Thursday, September 24, 2020

Gov. Kristi Noem Illustrates How to Social Distance ... with a Gun

Gov. Kristi Noem Illustrates How to Social Distance ... with a Gun
Brodigan - September 24, 2020 at 07:53AM

Kristi Noem is an absolute smokeshow. She also happens to be the governor of South Dakota and someone who has shown true leadership during the 'rona pandemic (see SD GOV. KRISTI NOEM RELEASES BRILLIANT PRO-FREEDOM AD. DEMOCRATS BE WARNED, GOP TAKE NOTES... and SOUTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR KRISTI NOEM MAKES IT CLEAR: SCHOOLS. ARE. REOPENING!). HINT: She did it by not caving to panic porn. Unlike formally "free" red states like Texas.

Here's the thing, though, not caving to panic porn doesn't mean she doesn't believe in taking proper precautions. Gov. Noem is a staunch advocate of social distancing. Especially when she hunting. With a big-@$ gun. Because we don't stan her enough.

"But Brodigan, what about her policies?"

She was a four-term conservative congresswoman before being elected governor in the freest state in the country (suck it, Texas). I would be shocked if I didn't agree with her stance on the issues and her voting record. When she runs for president and I may actually get the chance to vote for her, I'll worry about fiscal policy then.

For now, I'm happy to superficially admire from afar, wishing that she was my governor. I live in New York. Our guy is a tyrant.

from Steven Crowder Says