Monday, September 21, 2020

AOC Blasts Mitch McConnell Over 'Not Honoring' RBG's Dying Wish

AOC Blasts Mitch McConnell Over 'Not Honoring' RBG's Dying Wish
Brodigan - September 21, 2020 at 08:19AM

It is the Monday after Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing, and we're here for all the hot takes. Not that people waited long (see MITCH MCCONNELL: THE SENATE WILL VOTE ON RUTH BADER GINSBURG'S REPLACEMENT and THIS LEFTIST MELTDOWN OVER RUTH BADER GINSBURG IS A HYSTERICAL PREVIEW OF WHAT'S TO COME). Up to and including an odd number of RBG/Black Panther crossovers. It's a niche genre.

Congresswoman AOC opined and is demanding Cocaine Mitch follow the *checks notes* "dying woman's final wish" clause of the constitution.

McConnell should honor that as much as Democrats would if Antonin Scalia's grandkid made the same silly claim. I don't care if RBG said that to Cocaine Mitch himself on her deathbed and McConnell told her, "Whatever you want, queen. Ruthkanda forever." Supreme Court. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The past 97 years of Cocaine Mitch's life have led up to this moment.

But worse from Ocasio-Cortez is this clip. Democrats, she wants you radicalized. But she's asking for too big of a sacrifice.

Not sure what kind of pharmaceuticals the congresswoman has been on, but she has to be high if she is expecting anyone to give up brunch. It's breakfast food and booze. Honestly, if there is one thing that can unite us as a country, it's the love of breakfast food and booze. AOC and Cocaine Mitch could probably even set aside their differences on a late weekend morning for an hour or two. And quite frankly, if you honestly can't take a break from rioting in the streets and screaming at police officers to enjoy an omelette and a peach bellini for an hour on a Sunday, politics plays too big a part in your life.

I get that it's an election year and RBG shuffling loose her mortal coil has everyone emotional. But leave brunch out of it.

from Steven Crowder Says