Monday, September 21, 2020

A Michigan Homeowner Is in Trouble for This (Hysterical) Mail-in Voting Display

A Michigan Homeowner Is in Trouble for This (Hysterical) Mail-in Voting Display
Brodigan - September 21, 2020 at 08:20AM

People love decorating their lawns. For Christmas. For Halloween. And most importantly, for election season. People take their lawn signs very seriously, much to the dismay of many a campaign volunteer. Some people get more creative with their display and the political statements they make on it. Like one Michigan man (see GOV. WHITMER ADDRESSES MICHIGAN AFTER HER HUSBAND IS BUSTED FOR 'JOKING' ABOUT HIS POLITICAL ADVANTAGES and MICHIGAN'S OPERATION GRIDLOCK SHOWS MANY AMERICANS STILL VALUE THEIR RIGHTS). He's concerned about the security of mail-in voting, and he installed an artistic sculpture on his lawn to express that. Local officials were not amused.

I think it's probably because of the toilet.

Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum saw no humor in the display on a lawn in the town of Mason, Michigan, featuring a toilet with a sign next to it that said, “Place mail in ballots here!"

The homeowner, who was not identified by the Lansing State Journal, also has a sign nearby reading, “Recall Whitmer," a reference to an effort to oust the Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, along with another sign supporting John James, a Republican running for the U.S. Senate.

It's illegal to fraudulently collect mail-in ballots. Sadly, it's not illegal to be so stupid you would think a potty on some random dude's lawn is an actual mail-in ballot collection box. Though if I were to guess, I would think the drama is less about the sh!tter and more about the sh!tty governor that my man also has a political statement about posted on his lawn. Maybe if he spelled out "I Heart Gretchen" in toilet paper next to the toiler, the local constables would leave him alone.

from Steven Crowder Says