Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Liberal Running for Senate in North Carolina Just Lost with This Offensive BBQ Tweet

The Liberal Running for Senate in North Carolina Just Lost with This Offensive BBQ Tweet
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 08:35AM

Admittedly, I don't know Cal Cunningham from Joe Cunningham. Nor am I familiar with the ins and outs of North Carolina politics, where Cal Cunningham is running for Senate against Sen. Thom Tillis. But I do know BBQ (see VEGAN IS SUING HER NEIGHBORS OVER WAFTING BBQ SMELLS and WATCH: LEFTISTS WANT TO SHUT DOWN BBQ TRUCK OVER HYSTERICAL "LGBTQ" SHIRT). This tweet has me literally shaking right now.

This is a guy running for office in North Carolina — wearing an "Ambassador for North Carolina BBQ" apron that he is selling himself — and his idea of BBQ is cooking burgers and hot dogs ON A GAS GRILL? IN NORTH CAROLINA? THAT'S NOT BBQ, YOU LEFTIST NINCOMPOOP! I live in New York and even I know that. Your general consultant from Park Slope whose idiot idea this photo was should have known too. Dollars to donuts the burgers and hot dogs were that "Impossible" vegan crap too.

BBQ is fire and smoke and huge cuts of meat. Especially — ESPECIALLY — in North Carolina. Otherwise, you are just grilling and barely doing so at that. I don't know much about Thom Tillis, but I do know two things. One is that Sen. Tillis is a vote for Amy Coney Barrett. Two is that Tillis would have a whole hog on cinder blocks or an offset smoker that was made out of an old propane tank.

I just, I can't even look at you right now.

from Steven Crowder Says