Thursday, September 24, 2020

LeBron James Says 'No Comment' on the Two L.A. Cops Who Were Shot

LeBron James Says 'No Comment' on the Two L.A. Cops Who Were Shot
Brodigan - September 24, 2020 at 07:26AM

Two Los Angeles police officers were the victims of an assassination attempt by Black Lives Matter activists, who also celebrated after. Los Angeles is also where LeBron James plays basketball nowhere near as good as Michael Jordan and is usually chatty about social justice issues. Like, involving Black Lives Matter activists. Though only the good ones. We don't pay attention to the bad ones. It's not like they're people at tea party rallies holding up mean words on a piece of cardboard.

Police are still looking for the gunman, and the sheriff wanted LeBron James' help. As reported by Outkick:

Sheriff Alex Villanueva publicly challenged social justice warrior LeBron James to match the reward money for information leading to an arrest in the case. The county put up $100,000 while private citizens have offered $75,000.

LeBron, who has been relatively silent on the assassination attempt on two police officers in the city where he plays basketball nowhere as good as Michael Jordan, finally commented on the sheriff's request for his help.

"I have zero comment on the sheriff," LeBron responded.

This is all you need to know about LeBron James when he wants to chirp about political issues.

Also, Michael Jordan would have cut the check.

from Steven Crowder Says