Tuesday, September 22, 2020

This Couple Doesn't Understand How Masks Work

This Couple Doesn't Understand How Masks Work
Brodigan - September 22, 2020 at 11:57AM

We're all fed up about wearing masks. A lot of it has to do with the people who are straight-up nazis about it (see HERE'S A CRAZY MASK NAZI SCREAMING IN A LITTLE GIRL'S FACE: 'I HOPE YOU DIE' and CHECK OUT THIS IDIOT HAVING A FULL-BLOWN MELTDOWN OVER SOMEONE NOT WEARING A MASK AT A PIZZA PLACE). But mostly it's how the rules, regulations, and/or mandates don't make a lick of actual sense. You drive to a bar without a mask, unless you are in an Uber where both you and the driver have to wear a mask. Walk to the front door without a mask, put a mask on to be seated, take the mask off once you're seated, and then have to put a mask on when you leave your seat until you can take it off again when you return to your seat. This, according to science and experts, is an effective way to prevent you from getting the 'rona. Other than walking around in a full hazmat suit. If this doesn't make any sense to you, don't you dare question science or experts. Are you science? No, I didn't think so. Science > common sense. At least according to experts.

But if there is one thing that science, experts, and normies who just want to live their best mask-free lives can all agree on, it's that these two are doing it wrong.

My man here deadpanning at the camera is all of us.

Exit question, which is mostly rhetorical, is do you think booze was involved? Let this be a lesson to you youngbloods. You may be used to throwing back White Claws at home, but most bars only sell the tallboys. A bigger can means that it has more alcohol in it, so you have to adjust how many cans you throw back. Don't let this happen to you.

from Steven Crowder Says