Friday, September 18, 2020

BLM Marches in Support of 'Black Criminals.' No, Seriously. That's Literally What They Say.

BLM Marches in Support of 'Black Criminals.' No, Seriously. That's Literally What They Say.
Brodigan - September 18, 2020 at 09:33AM

To paraphrase 1980s icon Rockwell, sometimes I feel like somebody's trolling meeeeeeeee. Actually, Michael Jackson sang the hook, but that's not the issue here. Because we have more than a few Biden supporter videos that seemed a little too on the nose (see WATCH BLACK LIVES MATTER'S NEW TACTIC: USING WHITE PEOPLE AS HUMAN SHIELDS and BLACK LIVES MATTER THREATENS TO SHUT DOWN TARGET IF THE STORE IS NICE TO COPS). But, dude.

I missed this from August. It's resurfacing because of another viral video of an activist upset that two people who were caught shoplifting were being arrested for shoplifting. Mayhap there is context cut out of this nine-second video that would make it look less horrible. Mayhap it was a failed attempt at irony. I'd even be willing to allow the possibility that it's an elaborate flash mob that a MAGA prankster pulled off and I fell for it like a jackwagon.

If this is an actual message that actual activists think actually help their cause, it would explain why support for Black Lives Matter is plummeting in the polls. That, or more people are drawing a line between the sentiment and the Marxist political organization.

from Steven Crowder Says