Monday, September 28, 2020

Mike Rowe for President? Here’s Why He Thinks It’s a BAD Idea...

Mike Rowe for President? Here’s Why He Thinks It’s a BAD Idea...
Brodigan - September 28, 2020 at 02:59PM

Tuesday night will be the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I don't feel I'm talking out of turn in saying that, regardless of who wins the debate, there is a sizable portion of the electorate who can't believe that these are the two people we're stuck voting for. A lot of Americans don't like what politics has turned into, while some revel in the chaos. In the case of the later group, we can smell our own.

As for the former group, enough of them as reached out to Mike Rowe that he felt the need to respond. Rowe is viewed as a moderate independent, though you sometimes get the feeling that he heavily leans in one direction (see A WRITER TELLS MIKE ROWE TO LEAVE COVID TO THE EXPERTS. ROWE WRECKS HIS FACE INSTEAD... and MIKE ROWE JUST SAVAGED A TROLL WHO CAME AFTER HIM FOR DOING A PRAGERU VIDEO). While Mr. Dirty Jobs is flattered by the grassroots campaign and/or overzealous fanboys (again, we can smell our own), he feels it's not for him. Though his reasoning for not running is a lot of people's reasoning for him running...

I'd be a TERRIBLE politician. Not because I don't love our country – I do. But because I'm not interested in the welfare of groups, and right now, our country feels like a collection of groups. Specifically, groups defined by race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and all sorts of other things beyond the individual's ability to control. I have no interest in winning the approval of these groups, or in helping one group at the expense of another.

I'm interested in helping individuals. Specifically, those individuals who impress me with a mix of work ethic, attitude, personal responsibility, and a willingness to learn a skill that's in demand. That's why I run a foundation that rewards individuals with those qualities. I know how to do that. I do not know how to return our country to the melting pot we're supposed to be.

Hell yeah, brother.

Though I would argue dealing with the first paragraph would be exactly how to return us to all swimming around in the same melting pot. "I'm going to unite the country by not dividing the county. Now who want's ice cream?" The fact that so many people focus more on the identity politics is the very reason why we're not united. It's easier that way and playing us all against each other brings in more donations.

So while Rowe claims he isn't a politician, I think he'd make the perfect president. At least until the media dug up that he was mean to a girl when he was fourteen and made a mistake on his taxes once. Truly "independent" or not, Mike Rowe isn't a progressive douche, so of course the media would have to destroy him before too many people got to hear his common sense.

from Steven Crowder Says