Monday, September 28, 2020

BOMBSHELL: Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud Scam Tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar

BOMBSHELL: Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud Scam Tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar
Brodigan - September 28, 2020 at 07:33AM

Ballot harvesting is when activists are sent out to collect absentee ballots from people who haven't voted yet or don't plan on voting. Then they either pay you or "strongly encourage you" to vote for the person they are an activist for, collect your ballot, and turn it in. SPOILER: It's not usually a conservative or even one of the few moderate Democrats that are left. It's people like, according to this report, Rep. Ilhan Omar (see REP. ILHAN OMAR SAYS THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD, WANTS TO "DISMANTLE" AMERICA and ILHAN OMAR WANTS ISRAEL'S AID FUNDING CUT).

Project Veritas uncovered a ballot harvesting operation in Minnesota. It's alarming, especially as the left continues to push for "vote by mail" for the 2020 presidential election.

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