Tuesday, September 1, 2020

This Sketch Hysterically Looks at How Male Feminists Are Creeps

This Sketch Hysterically Looks at How Male Feminists Are Creeps
Brodigan - September 01, 2020 at 08:17AM

Because I've become such a Ryan Long stan lately, YouTube's algorithm regularly serves up his videos in my recommend lists. So I happened to catch this one dunking on an easy target: male feminists (see 'FEMINIST BOYFRIEND' IS BOYCOTTING WORK UNTIL 'WAGE GAP' IS CLOSED! and AMBER TAMBLYN CREATES 'MALE ALLY MANIFESTO.' YES, IT'S CONDESCENDING FEMINIST GARBAGE!). Or, I guess they are called "allies" now.

I know this is meant to be a comedy sketch. But if you've ever had a conversation with a woman (even a progressive woman) who has had a conversation (or been sloppily hit on) by a self-identified male ally, this video might come across as a documentary. I'm actually surprised Ally Weekly doesn't exist yet.

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