Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Here are Joe Biden Supporters Chanting 'Death to America' in Oakland

Here are Joe Biden Supporters Chanting 'Death to America' in Oakland
Brodigan - September 01, 2020 at 07:31AM

In the olden days, "Death to America" was something you would hear in Iran. Not Oakland. But this is who Joe Biden supporters are now (see TRUMP SUPPORTER KILLED WHILE PORTLAND RIOTERS CELEBRATE and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS USE A GUILLOTINE TO CHOP TRUMP'S HEAD OFF IN EFFIGY). Call it Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or a ham sandwich. It's all the left, and Joe Biden is the empty vessel the left is using right now, as Nancy Pelosi/Bernie Sanders try to "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden all the way to the White House.

He, and they, own this.

I know the game now is to blame the left's violence on Trump. That the only way to stop the violence is to elect Biden. Which of course we all know is horseplop, because the violence started before Trump, the last time Biden was in the White House. This isn't to say the current president has been the beacon of leadership lately, unless you count tweets and floating conspiracy theories to Laura Ingraham as "leadership."

Just that things will get much, much worse under Joe Biden. Because his supporters will know what they can get away with, consequence-free.

from Steven Crowder Says