Friday, September 11, 2020

Bret Baier Asks Biden Staffer: 'How Would Biden Handled COVID?' His Answer is Impressively Stupid

Bret Baier Asks Biden Staffer: 'How Would Biden Handled COVID?' His Answer is Impressively Stupid
Courtney Kirchoff - September 11, 2020 at 08:13AM

How would a President Joe Biden have handled the COVID situation? Fair question, right? Well, you'd think so. FoxNews' Bret Baier tried finding the answer in an interview with TJ Ducklo, a Biden lackey, and didn't get one. But he did get a lot of obfuscation and was then told the entire network of Fox was looking for excuses for President Trump. Add this video to your morning coffee, it's rich.

Bret: "Yeah, but your dude wants to run this operation. So how would he have run the COVID any differently than Trump, the dude he's trying to unseat?"

Ducklo: "Listen, my dude can't remember much, but he does remember he wants to be president. Maybe he doesn't remember why. Maybe he doesn't remember how to use a fork. But he does remember that FoxNews is CNN's mortal enemy. So let me refuse to answer the question by talking a lot while modeling my hair. Don't you just love it? Look it how thick."

Sure I took some creative liberties, but you tell me my version isn't more helpful. I bet Ducklo's hair sniffs like a fine wine. Or would if it sat atop a lady's scalp.

Here's the main problem with what Ducklo did and didn't say: the internet is forever. All it takes is a couple of clicks, a few finger pecks, and near everyone of voting age can skip back through time to read that Joe Biden was just as all over the place on coronavirus as media was. The only excuse Biden can give for this egregious flip flopping is his diminishing mental faculties brought on mainly by age compounded with slavish partisan hackery.

from Steven Crowder Says