Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A Picture of Joe Biden's Pennsylvania Speech Shows How Little Enthusiasm There Is for Him

A Picture of Joe Biden's Pennsylvania Speech Shows How Little Enthusiasm There Is for Him
Brodigan - September 01, 2020 at 01:20PM

This is just embarrassing. I get that they need to keep Joe Biden away from talking to people, because it doesn't always work out for him when he does (see WATCH THIS TIKTOKER HYSTERICALLY IMAGINE BEING A REPORTER COVERING JOE BIDEN and JOE BIDEN JUST ASKED A BLACK REPORTER IF HE DOES COCAINE. NO, REALLY.). Social distancing provides a convenient excuse to keep people away. But someone on Biden 2020 needs to be fired and wished well on their future endeavors. Because seriously, fam, what is you doing?

Why bother leaving your house? They make American flags you can hang on your front porch. The idea of campaigning in battleground states is to actually get out there and campaign in battleground states. Acting like you care about the people there. Which obviously in Pennsylvania he doesn't, because he's all about banning fracking. My dude went to PA, dropped off a couple pizzas, and gave a speech to six people.

This photo is more embarrassing than all those awkward pictures of politicians eating corn dogs from the Iowa State Fair.

from Steven Crowder Says