Monday, August 3, 2020

Teachers' Unions Team Up with Democratic Socialists and Issue These Insane Demands

Teachers' Unions Team Up with Democratic Socialists and Issue These Insane Demands
Brodigan - August 03, 2020 at 09:05AM

If the coronavirus has done nothing else, at least it has proven once and for all that we can stop saying "it's for the children." The teachers' unions have made it clear that it's anything but (see IOWA TEACHERS SET A NEW STANDARD OF COVID STUPIDITY. IT INVOLVES OBITUARIES ... and TEXAS WANTS TO REOPEN SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS CLAIM THEY ARE NOW 'WRITING OUT THEIR WILLS'). Now they are straight up joining forces with the Democratic Socialists of America to resist going back to do their jobs until their demands are met. I'm sure most of us can agree that some changes might be necessary depending on what the 'rona is up to where you live. However the unions feel that if you're going to hold parents and children hostage until your demands are met, you might as well do so in style.

Noticeably missing from that list of demands is anything having to do with COVID-19, the coronavirus, the 'rona, the Kung Flu, or the Wuhan Ain't Nuthin' to F' Wit Virus. Oh, and also children. Concern for the children are completely missing from the list. Teachers' unions and their socialist comrades are using development of the children and your struggle during the pandemic in order to force their political agenda. It's absolutely disgusting. Also, we pay enough in crippling school taxes that are causing people to no longer afford their homes, so take the ask for federal funding and stick it up your nose.

Until teachers bust their union, it's clear they simply don't care about their jobs or anything having to do with our kids. If they don't want to work, they shouldn't get paid. Parents should get their school taxes refunded so they can see it actually goes to education. And if we're expected to sign a form when we go out to eat or get our hair done for contact tracing purposes, any teacher who is seen at a political rally after saying it's not safe for them to be in a school should be put on a list as well.

from Steven Crowder Says