Friday, December 3, 2021

Jussie Smollett: Told Attackers to Call Him Slurs Knowing His Target  Audience - The Media - Would Eat it Up

Jussie Smollett: Told Attackers to Call Him Slurs Knowing His Target  Audience - The Media - Would Eat it Up
Brodigan - December 03, 2021 at 12:34PM

Jussie Smollett is on trial for a 2019 hate crime hoax. I know two years ago feels like two hundred in blog years. To recap, the actor claimed he was the victim of a hate crime. Two white men in red caps attacked him, called him racial and gay slurs, and said "this is MAGA country." MAGA Country being downtown Chicago. Anyone with half a brain knew this sounded fishy. The news-entertainment industrial complex heard a guy who checked off two boxes on their preferred marginalized group BINGO card was attacked by Trump supporters and climaxed all over each other. Turns out, that was by Jussie's design.

Olabinjo and Abimbola Osundairo are two brothers Jussie paid--with a personal check--to attack him. Both brothers are currently testifying under oath. Jussie had some special dialogue he wanted the brothers to repeat.

Seems odd that Jussie--who is both black and gay--would want those words said to him. Turns out, Jussie had a specific audience in mind, a predictable and easily manipulated audience.

Mission accomplished! The media ate it up like an all you could eat, make-your-own vegan burrito bar. Blue checkmark after blue checkmark tripped over themselves echoing the questionable story Including the future (and if you believe the rumors, soon to be former) vice-president. Every leftist douche heard a story that was too perfect and too good to be true, but they didn't care. It happened exactly like Jussie said it would happen.

Except for the whole getting caught part.

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