Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Best of 2021: Even More Times Joe Biden Looked Like an Absolute  Nincompoop

Best of 2021: Even More Times Joe Biden Looked Like an Absolute  Nincompoop
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 09:12AM

There was such an embarrassment of riches from such an embarrassing world leader, we had to do a Joe Biden boobery bonus. One Top 5 list of the worst of Biden wasn't enough when there was so much content from which to draw.

Like, the time Biden got bored while his life was speaking and wandered off. Whether he was distracted by a shiny object, a little girl in pigtails he wanted to smell, or just had to poop is open for interpretation. No "independent" "fact"-checkers circled the wagons around this one, so we're on our own to guess.

Joe Biden Rambles: “Whether Or Not There’s A Man On The Moon”

Biden on the world stage has been one embarrassment after another. The worst example was this moment when he was asked a question about Putin and his brain stopped working. If this were a cartoon, the camera would zoom in to Biden's forehead to see what he's thinking. There would be cobwebs and an empty rocking chair. Maybe even a "Gone Fishin'" sign. Only it's Biden, so the sign would probably be "Gone Sniffin' (Little Girls)."

Asked If Vladimir Putin Is A “Killer,” Biden Weirdly Laughs And Says “I Don't Think It Matters”

Joe Biden was fond, in 2021, of screwing up and saying "they" would be mad and how he was going to be in trouble with "them." No one knows who "they" or "them" are or what "they" do to Biden behind the scenes. But watching him panic when he lost his mask was fun to watch.

Confused, Fully Vaccinated Joe Biden Desperately Looks For His Lost Mask While Outside

Finally, there have been so many embarrassing, puddingheaded, allegedly senile, allegedly dementia-riddled (if you believe Hunter Biden) moments, I forgot got about Joe Biden forgetting how to walk upstairs. Multiple times in a row.

Biden Repeatedly Falls While Going Up Stairs to AF1...Internet EXPLODES

Joe Biden, the commander-in-chief, the leader of the free world, and the most popular president ever, will start 2022 less coherent than he started 2021. And he wasn't very coherent at the beginning of 2021. Now, his brain has had 365 more days of turning to tapioca.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Best of 2021: Our Favorite Unsung Everyday Heroes, Legends, and Patriots Who Just 'Don't Give a F***'

Best of 2021: Our Favorite Unsung Everyday Heroes, Legends, and Patriots Who Just 'Don't Give a F***'
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 09:10AM

We spent a lot of time mocking in 2021, mocking Joe Biden and warning people about Australia. But some of our favorite posts, as well as some of yours, involved random people (and in one case, dogs) who happened to be caught on video being based when they didn't think anyone was looking. The word hero gets thrown around a lot today. And while these legends, heroes, and patriots aren't nurses or public school union members, we at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website still feel they deserve acknowledgment.

Like the first anonymous dudebro who decided to chant "F*ck Joe Biden" at a football game. No one knows who this king was. But the first known FJB video was from South Carolina. So, it's someone in this crowd.

Everyone wishes they could curse off CNN. When Andrew "Dice" MAGA here had his shot, he didn't miss. To add to the enjoyment, this video was shared by the CNN reporter who didn't think he was the a**hole here.

Sometimes heroes come on four legs. Way too many authority figures claimed they were "just following orders" while enforcing insane lockdown restrictions. But not these police dogs. One day, they decided enough was enough and they turned on their oppressors. These are good boys. These are very good boys.

This magnificent guy is a personal favorite of mine. He woke up one day and decided to walk up and down the aisle of a big box store, singing into a megaphone about where they can stick their mandates. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

Finally, there's Don Sucher. Don owns a Star Wars memorabilia shop in a non-commie part of Washington. Sucher found himself going viral when a councilwoman harassed him at work because she didn't like a sign in the window. Sucher liked his freedom of speech more: "But here's the thing, I don't give a f*** about feelings anymore. I'm seventy-g*d d*mn-eight. I went to Vietnam to fight for all this sh*t. Do you think I care about some a**hole's feelings? Absolutely not." I self-identify as Don's grandson.

Thank you to not only these heroes, but to all others throughout the world who acted as based legends without someone capturing it on their smartphone. We know you're out there. We acknowledge you. We thank you.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Wow: Health Official Admits to Misleading Child Hospitalization Rate in Order to Terrify Parents

Wow: Health Official Admits to Misleading Child Hospitalization Rate in Order to Terrify Parents
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 09:06AM

If you were to scroll Twitter right now, you'll find blue checkmarks attacking Pat McAfee for allowing Aaron Rodgers to spread "misinformation" on his podcast. The misinformation in question was Rodgers sharing an opinion. Rodgers is a QB. McAfee is a podcaster. Okay? Okay.

Dr. Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H. is the acting health commissioner of New York. There was a shocking story about child hospitalization rates in NYC. So shocking, it turned out to be misinformation. According to Dr. Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H. the acting health commissioner of New York, there was a reason for that.

"The numbers we gave on pediatric admissions weren't intended to make it seem that children were having an epidemic of infection. These were small numbers that we reported in our health alert. That was based on 50 hospitalizations, and I have now given you some larger numbers. But there are still small numbers. It really is to motivate pediatricians and families to seek the protection of vaccination."

The lead health official put out misleading statistics to scare parents into sticking their kids with needles. Anthony Fauci admits that domestic travel mandates aren't for science reasons, but for forcing adults to stick themselves with a needle. Joe Biden promotes federal mandates, then tells Governors there isn't a federal solution, then says he would support a federal domestic travel mandate if his unelected health officials told him to. And the CDC woke up one morning and decided the science said to cut quarantine guidelines in half, causing the left to no longer view the CDC as the science.

But, yeah. It's the fault of a quarterback and a podcaster that there is so much misinformation.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Crowder Asks Texans 'Why are You Still Wearing a Mask?'

Watch: Crowder Asks Texans 'Why are You Still Wearing a Mask?'
Joseph Gunderson - December 29, 2021 at 09:04AM

It’s nearly 2022, and this has been the longest “15 days to slow the spread” ever! The omicron variant is making its way through the population, and the Biden Administration is mulling over the idea of instituting even more federal mandates (even though they don’t do a damn thing). So what do regular people think about all these things?

from Steven Crowder Says

Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown From Texas to Pennsylvania Under Cover of Darkness

Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown From Texas to Pennsylvania Under Cover of Darkness
Joseph Gunderson - December 29, 2021 at 08:19AM

I think we can all assume Biden is a terrible gift giver. In his first year in office, he gave the American people the highest inflation since Jimmy Carter, a crisis at our southern border, and COVID mandates. He did, however, give the entire country of Afghanistan back to the Taliban and will probably hand Taiwan over to China sometime soon. So, I guess it just depends on who the gift is meant for.

Well, this Christmas, Biden decided to give Scranton, Pennsylvania, a whole bunch of illegal immigrants. From December 11 through December 30, multiple flights carrying hundreds of illegal immigrants—most of which are underage—to Pennsylvania. Many of the flights arrived in the middle of the night, without manifests being provided to the airport.

Congressman Dan Meuser (R-PA) is seeking answers regarding these “ghost flights.”

“The lack of communication and transparency surrounding this process is unacceptable. […] Your agency failed to notify me or any other local officials of these activities, leaving us unable to answer the concerns of constituents in the communities we represent. Pennsylvanians deserve to know about these decisions affecting their community.”

Sadly, I don’t imagine he’ll get any real answers from the mealy-mouthed worms in the Biden Administration. This isn’t the first time Biden’s people have secretly transported illegal immigrants around the country. Back in October, it was New York receiving an early Halloween treat of hundreds of migrants in the dead of night.

I’m sure there are a few people over at the CIA salivating right now, hoping to get their hands on a few of the kids flown in.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Lawmakers Seek to Reduce Drive-By Shootings Penalties for, You Guessed It, 'Equity' Reasons

Lawmakers Seek to Reduce Drive-By Shootings Penalties for, You Guessed It, 'Equity' Reasons
Joseph Gunderson - December 29, 2021 at 08:08AM

Democrats will never be happy until their streets are littered with drugs, human excrement, and bodies. This is why they love open borders, support the ability of the homeless to take over cities, and let out violent criminals. As another step in their plan to completely destroy American cities, two lawmakers in Washington have introduced a bill that would lower the amount of time criminals can be sentenced to after performing a drive-by murder.

As reported by Fox News, state representatives Tarra Simmons and David Hackney have introduced a bill that would eliminate the ability to elevate murder charges to aggravated murder if the murder was done in the course of a drive-by shooting. Aggravated murder carries a mandatory life sentence.

Why do they not want to permanently lock away murderers? Why, racial equity, of course!

"It’s clear that it was targeted at gangs that were predominantly young and black," Simmons told Fox News. "I believe in a society that believes in the power of redemption. […] Murder is murder no matter where the bullet comes from but locking young people up and throwing away the key is not the answer."

This dolt must be reading all the material written by Ibram Kendi or something because she seems to believe that disparate outcomes automatically mean racism. That just because young black—probably men—are more apt to perform drive-by shootings that the law is racist. That’s not how it works.

But these two lawmakers are going to push for this penalty to be removed, and it will retroactively modify sentences for those put away under the presently standing statute. So they will be letting violent murderers out of prison as they prevent violent murderers from getting locked up for life.

I do agree with Simmons when she says “murder is murder no matter where the bullet comes from,” but I think they should all get the death penalty.

It’s people like Simmons and Hackney who want law-abiding citizens scared and unarmed as criminals run through the streets, ransacking businesses and indiscriminately killing whoever they please. It sounds like a leftist utopia if I’ve ever heard of one.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Pedophile CNN Producer Runs Away From Reporter Who Asks if He's Still Employed by CNN

Pedophile CNN Producer Runs Away From Reporter Who Asks if He's Still Employed by CNN
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 08:00AM

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of CNN's Pedophile Producers. When last we left CNN producer Rick Saleeby, he was busted for being a pedophile by Project Veritas. Saleeby openly discussed wanting to have sex with his fiancé's 14-year-old daughter. The discussion was had with his ex-girlfriend, whose underage daughter he also wanted to have sex with. Saleeby's now ex-fiancé filed an order of protection against him. And a Project Veritas reporter attempted to ask Saleeby a simple question: are you still employed by CNN?

from Steven Crowder Says

Aaron Rodgers Discount Double Checks His Haters, Tells Them 'Science You Can't Question Is Propaganda'

Aaron Rodgers Discount Double Checks His Haters, Tells Them 'Science You Can't Question Is Propaganda'
Brodigan - December 29, 2021 at 07:34AM

At this point, it's a coin toss who hates Aaron Rodgers more: rivals fans in the NFC North, or the unholy alliance of liberals and the media who demand you live in fear and never question what they call "the science." As Rogers--who, no, is not a doctor--says in this clip, when you tell people they can't ever question science, it stops being science and starts being something more sinister.

He shared his thoughts with Pat McAfee, one of the few things still entertaining about the WWE.

“If science can’t be questioned, it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda. That’s the truth.”

"When did science become this blind agreement and then not having any debate over what can actually heal people and work for people. That makes no sense to me."

I'd argue it makes no sense to anyone who isn't a leftist dick-nose. Unfortunately, those leftist dick-noses make up a majority of the media and the Big Tech platforms that push the propaganda.

Rodgers made national news this year when he popped positive for the 'rona, and it was discovered when he said he was "immunized" he didn't mean he got his Fauci Ouchie. The media and the left got outraged. They got double-coverage outraged when Rodgers said he called Joe Rogan for medical advice. They then got--I don't know, some other football reference--outraged when Rogan's advice worked. Rodgers made a speedy recovery and led the Green Bay Packers to another division title.

As for any validity behind Rodgers' comparison between "the science" and propaganda, the CDC has always been considered the recognized leader in "the science." Until yesterday, when the CDC cut its COVID quarantine guidelines in half for non-"the science" reasons. Now, the panic porn-addicted leftists who claimed you can't question the CDC are questioning the CDC. This means the people at the CDC are no longer the experts. The people attacking the CDC from the left are the experts.

So... yes. Aaron Rodgers is right.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Monday, December 27, 2021

Top 5 Times Ron DeSantis Went Nuclear on Liberals and the Media

Top 5 Times Ron DeSantis Went Nuclear on Liberals and the Media
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 09:20AM

Ron DeSantis, God willing, is running for president in 2024. In 2021, he became a hero to the right. Conservatives, a lot of times, find themselves supporting people who talk a good game. Then those people get elected, and you find out either a) they lack the ability to get anything done, b) they don't try, or c) they don't care, and it turns out they were lying to us the entire time. With DeSantis, we have a guy who not only fights for policies conservatives support, he fights to get them passed in a 50/50 state like Florida where everything is a fight. He wins some. He has temporary setbacks. What's most important is he has a record of actually doing what he promised to do.

That's if you're into nerdy things like "legislation." The main reason I've gathered you all here today is for that sweet own-the-libs content we've come to expect from America's Governor. Here are our five favorite moments.

We'll start with the Super Bowl, held last February in Tampa. The media was angry about that. DeSantis was angry at the media: "You guys really love that. You don't care as much if it's a 'peaceful protest.' You don't care as much if they're celebrating a Biden election. You only care about it if it's people that you don't like."

Prior to the media attacking DeSantis for not virtue signaling about the Fauci Ouchies enough, they attacked him for getting shots in people's arms the wrong way, i.e., not the way the federal government wanted. 60 Minutes ran a hit piece that quickly fell apart. Quote DeSantis: "That's why no one trusts corporate media. They are a disaster in what they're doing. They knew what they were doing was a lie. I knew what they were doing was a lie. Everybody here knows what they were doing is a lie. They know that we know they're lying, and yet they continue to lie. Well, guess what? There's gonna be consequences for that."

from Steven Crowder Says

Five of the Most Embarrassing Joe Biden Moments of 2022

Five of the Most Embarrassing Joe Biden Moments of 2022
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 09:17AM

Joe Biden has been great for this website. He's been horrible for America. Like, really bad. Even the people who control Joe Biden look at him sometimes and say, "Dear God, what an imbecile." But when you live your life #ForTheContent, President Puddingforbrains was the gift that kept on giving. It's hard to narrow down a top five. Even after eliminating the more serious stuff like how badly Biden mucked up (the border, Afghanistan, the economy) and focused on his more senile and/or dementia-adjacent moments, there was a lot to choose from.

Missing from this list is the alleged bathroom incident. That's because, for reasons that are unclear, I never wrote about that. Yes, I'm embarrassed for me, too.

Let's start with "My Butt's Been Wiped."

Everyone had fun mocking Biden for, allegedly, saying "My butt's been wiped" to reporters. But what's truly funny isn't how much fun we had with it. It's how super serious CNN's resident "fact" checker took it because laughter isn't allowed. The CNN stooge even slowed down audio to make his case. I'm not saying Joe Biden did, in fact, tell reporters that his butt had been wiped. I'm not saying he didn't. I'm only saying it sounds like something Biden would say.

There was also the time his wife had to treat him like a five-year-old because he either didn't know a microphone was on, or he forgot that he finished his speech. Biden's the leader of the free world, and he needs his wife to scream "LOOK AT ME" like he's a kid who tried to sneak a cookie.

Being president is hard work. It's twice as hard when you're a doddering old coot. Biden fell asleep in front of world leaders. Though, let he who hasn't gotten bored at leftists droning on about climate change cast the first stone.

Two months later, and we still don't know what the deuce Joe Biden was doing with his hands.

Finally, there is the time Joe Biden farted in front of the Royal Family. There is no video of the incident, but here is how the Dutchess of Cornhole described the situation, allegedly, to a close friend: "It was long and loud and impossible to ignore," per a source. "Camilla hasn't stopped talking about it."

These were just some highlights from year one of the Joe Biden presidency. I can't wait to see what Biden a year less coherent brings us in 2022.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Crowder Convinces Liberal That Hate Speech Isn’t Real

Watch: Crowder Convinces Liberal That Hate Speech Isn’t Real
Joseph Gunderson - December 27, 2021 at 09:15AM

You know, it isn’t often that you can change someone’s mind on hot-button issues, especially these days. As the political divide becomes larger, it seems that these conversations become rarer, and when they do occur, they are more difficult to have. But Steven Crowder isn’t one to shy away from those difficult conversations.

from Steven Crowder Says

Homeless Man Attacks People With Homemade Flamethrower Because That's What Los Angeles Has Turned Into

Homeless Man Attacks People With Homemade Flamethrower Because That's What Los Angeles Has Turned Into
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 09:07AM

Crime in Los Angeles has gotten bad. It's gotten so bad, the LAPD is telling people not to visit Los Angeles because they can't help them. Case in point: one afternoon you are riding a train when a transient-American shows up to perform an unsolicited demonstration of his homemade flamethrower.

Normal viral video disclaimers apply. Though, what context could be added to a homeless man trying to set people on fire is unknown at this time.

"Homemade flamethrower" is a snarky way of saying he squirted a disposal lighter with hairspray. What's funny here is the homeless man will likely face harsher consequences for having an aerosol can than for trying to BBQ innocent people. Such is life on the left coast.

It's unknown what pro-crime liberal policies that liberal cities like Los Angeles have become known for may have led to this incident. In New York City, transient-Americans can assault you up to a medium amount of assault and be back on the streets because holding criminals for bail is no longer considered "equity."

Upon arrest, the Human Torch here was most likely released right away providing he agreed to come back for a psych evaluation. And maybe the agreement he would never attempt to set anyone on fire again. Or he was sent to a reeducation camp for using aerosol. Again, we're talking about Los Angeles. It could go either way.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Teachers’ Union President Criticizes Anti-CRT Advocates: ‘Thankfully, We Have the White House...’

Teachers’ Union President Criticizes Anti-CRT Advocates: ‘Thankfully, We Have the White House...’
Joseph Gunderson - December 27, 2021 at 08:28AM

What makes the public school system the absolute worst? Is it the lack of standards? Yes. Is it the sexual grooming of our children? Yes. Is it teaching our children to hate themselves or each other due to the color of their skin? Yes. But at the top of this heaping pile of sh*t are the teachers’ unions, protecting the teachers who abuse and indoctrinate your children. And at the tippy top of the mountain of excrement is Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

from Steven Crowder Says

Fauci 'Welcomes' Vaccine Mandates for Flying, Not for Science Reasons, but for Forcing Compliance Reasons

Fauci 'Welcomes' Vaccine Mandates for Flying, Not for Science Reasons, but for Forcing Compliance Reasons
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 08:25AM

Forcing Americans to get their Fauci Ouchies in order to fly domestic is the new way for leftists to signal their virtue. Rep. Eric Swalwell took a break from banging communist spies to say vaccine mandates for flights "is the LEAST we can do." Sen. Diane Feinstein called on the CDC and the FAA to "start requiring proof of vaccination," which was surprising to hear her say because I forgot she was still alive. The question is what Anthony "I am the Science" Fauci thinks. Unsurprisingly, Fauci is all amount mandates for flying.

Not for science reasons, of course. But Fauci's nipples get pointy over anything that forces you to give up making your own decisions and doing what Fauci tells you to do.

"With regard to the spread of virus in the country, I think if you look at wearing a mask and the filtration on planes, things are reasonably safe."

Got it. It is safe to fly without worrying about catching a variant. According to Anthony "I Am the Science" Fauci, a certified-fresh expert in the federal government. Now, let's circle back to what the "goal" is in forcing vaccine mandates.

"A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated. Namely, you can't get on a plane unless you're vaccinated, which is just another one of the ways of getting requirements. [...] Anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome."

This sums up Anthony Fauci quite splendidly. Don't do things for health reasons. Do things because, as long as Americans stay scared and in a pandemic, cable news will keep putting Anthony Fauci on camera so he can tell us what rights we do or don't have that week.

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from Steven Crowder Says

CNN: Saying 'Let's Go, Brandon' is Totally Another Insurrection Against Joe Biden's Presidency

CNN: Saying 'Let's Go, Brandon' is Totally Another Insurrection Against Joe Biden's Presidency
Brodigan - December 27, 2021 at 07:37AM

It's difficult to quantify what the dumbest thing said on CNN was in 2021, but this has to rank in the top five. A random dude tricked Joe Biden into saying "Let's Go, Brandon," which LwC readers know is the family-friendly version of "F*ck Joe Biden." The content creators at CNN think it's the worst, most offensive thing said to a president since Americans disagreed with Barack Obama about taxes. Ron Brownstein from The Atlantic took it a step further, claiming it's just another insurrection.

This is a bad take, and Brownstein should feel bad.

"I don’t think it’s fundamentally about incivility. I think it’s fundamentally about insurrection."

“The whole ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ motif is the reflection of the view two-thirds of the Republican base driven by Trump’s false claims and the Big Lie that Biden is an illegitimate President."

Riiiiiiiight. Or--and I'm just spitballing here--it's just people having fun at the expense of a politician they don't like. You know, just like the "insurrection" people from Brownstein's party led against George W. "Literally Hitler" Bush or against any American who dared disagree with Barack Obama on any issue. People like--and again I'm just spitballing--Vice President Joe Biden saying if Mitt Romney was elected president, he'd put "y'all" back in chains. It's funny how "patriotic dissent" turns into incivility depending on who it's directed against.

And I understand January 6 was the best thing to happen to CNN. It's allowed them to keep creating news-entertainment content about Donald Trump. But "Let''s Go, Brandon" and/or "F*ck Joe Biden" has nothing to do with January 6. It has to do with January 20 thru December 27. A lot has happened during that time: a border crisis, recklessly pulling out of Afghanistan, inflation, anti-science mandates, Biden's utter disregard for the constitution, an alleged pooping incident at the Vatican, and a never-ending pandemic that would have Ron Brownstein shouting "Let's Go, Brandon," too, if Brandon were a Republican.

Joe Biden has been a terrible president. Some of us have chosen to have fun with it.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Watch: Crazy Lady Assaults Elderly Man Mid-flight, Screaming 'Put Your F***ing Mask On'

Watch: Crazy Lady Assaults Elderly Man Mid-flight, Screaming 'Put Your F***ing Mask On'
Brodigan - December 26, 2021 at 10:10AM

Your government calling for more mask mandates has led to an exciting new round of crazy people lashing out at others for not being masked up properly. When store clerks and flight attendants aren't dropping what they're doing fast enough any time a mask falls under a nose, it's up to the Jane Q. Biyatch's of the world to leap into action. You will NOT tell them to calm down when someone is not wearing a mask, as this elderly man found out in the middle of a flight to Atlanta.

You know the viral video disclaimer to allow for missing context and that junk. The video starts when "Karen" is already in the middle of her meltdown.

Delta told the Daily Mail, ''Flight 2790 from Tampa to Atlanta was met by law enforcement after an unruly customer disturbance during flight." It's reported that a dozen police officers met Karen when the plane landed. Thank Joe Biden's executive orders on unruly passengers for that one!

The true comedy in this video isn't the reaction of the old man calling her Karen, or worse--although, well deserved--how he kept throwing barbs at her while security led her away. It's not even the old man having his mask down because he was eating or drinking. The comedy comes from Karen who, in the middle of her crazy lady meltdown, did not realize that she was not wearing her mask, either. Yay science!

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Alec Baldwin Thanks Supporters for 'Getting Him Through a Tough Time' of Accidentally Killing a woman

Watch: Alec Baldwin Thanks Supporters for 'Getting Him Through a Tough Time' of Accidentally Killing a woman
Brodigan - December 26, 2021 at 08:22AM

2021 may have been the worst year of Alec Baldwin's life. The former Trump impersonator was holding a gun that was pointed at the cinematographer of his movie Rust. That gun somehow went off (Baldwin said he didn't pull the trigger) with a live round in it and killed the cinematographer. And while Baldwin said he feels no guilt for the killing, he wanted to thank his supporters and assure them that he's getting through it as best he can.

"I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all the people who sent me such kind words and best wishes and strength and hope and prayers, thoughts and lots of encouragement. ...I want to say thank you to all the people who sent me good wishes who sent me support. I'm really grateful for that, I feel very awkward going through this, it's been very difficult."

Also, Alec would like you to get your booster, wear a mask, and not let Santa down your chimney unless he's wearing a mask. I'm writing this on December 26th so you're on your honor if you did that. Hopefully, when a masked Santa shimmied down the Baldwin chimney, he brought them a brand new PR team. Whoever is letting Alec (and Hilaria) speak thinking it makes them look like sympathetic figures shouldn't be advising people what to have for breakfast.

A woman was killed by a gun Alec Baldwin was holding. There is an investigation into how a live round wound up in the gun, which includes Baldwin's phone and e-mails being seized. His claim that he never pulled the trigger doesn't hold up when demonstrated by someone who knows how to use a gun. That's not to say I think there was any malice on Baldwin's part. I don't. But he's trying way too hard to make people feel sorry for him and what HE'S going through. Seriously, dude. Do yourself a favor and stop talking.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Male Pedophile Who Identifies as 5-Year-Old Girl Is Convicted for Breaching Court Order, Kissing Young Girls

Male Pedophile Who Identifies as 5-Year-Old Girl Is Convicted for Breaching Court Order, Kissing Young Girls
Joseph Gunderson - December 26, 2021 at 07:55AM

We seriously need to start coming to terms with the fact that pedophilia is a real problem in society these days, and we need to do so sooner rather than later, so the issue can be rectified.

As far as the left is concerned, this guy might be in the clear. You see, Janiel Verainer, 60, believes he’s actually a 5-year-old girl. So, in 2016, when he was previously convicted of “kissing a small child outside a café in Thanet” and sentenced to 15 months in jail, I’m sure the left wrote it off as children just being kids.

And after his 2016 conviction, when he was court-ordered to stay away from all children, the left probably wouldn’t care that Verainer decided to go around kissing more small girls… on the lips…

But for normal people, this is a problem. Normal people know that a man in his sixties can’t become a 5-year-old girl just because he wants to be really, really bad. And why do I believe the left would accept this as a legitimate reality? Because they already accept transgenderism, and this trans movement has extended to transracial and trans-species!

Luckily, someone with a functioning brain seems to be in charge of dealing with this guy, and he’s probably looking at more jail time. And he should because he’s a real weirdo. Reported by the 4W, "during the hearing for his violation, Verainer was dressed like an elf, wearing a green and red dress, red and white thigh-high stockings, and a festive sweater. He was allegedly sucking his thumb throughout. At a previous court appearance for his 2016 abuses, Verainer had adorned pig-tails and had been sucking on a pacifier, later also having a large stuffed doll."

While some would like to destigmatize pedophilia, I would really appreciate it if there was more stigmatization and far harsher punishments dealt. Our children need to be protected from pedophilic elves.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Guy Tricks Joe Biden Into Saying 'Let's Go Brandon,' Is Now Being Threatened by the Unhinged Left

Watch: Guy Tricks Joe Biden Into Saying 'Let's Go Brandon,' Is Now Being Threatened by the Unhinged Left
Brodigan - December 26, 2021 at 07:38AM

We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com landscape made a mistake. We called our Top 5 'F*ck Joe Biden/Let's Go Brandon' moments of 2021 too early. Our punishment for doing so came on Christmas Eve. While we were off, some dude from Oregon tricked Joe Biden into saying "Let's Go, Brandon." The dude's name is Jared Schmeck. We know that because, as shocking as this sounds, unhinged leftist Twitter is looking to destroy him right now.

First, the prank. Biden was answering calls as part of the White House's NORAD Santa-tracking program. That's where this happened.

Since there are two sides to every story, here is the other end of the phone call.

It was a prank. But it was a prank against a Democrat, so now Jared Schmeck needs to be othered and destroyed as if he were a plumber asking Barack Obama a question. His name is currently trending on Twitter over bitter lefties digging into his personal life. And Schmeck is even getting threatening phone calls at his house. Over an insult to a politician who is disliked by most of America. Schmeck told his local press, "At the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden, but I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job," pointing to mandates and inflation as two issues.

Was it a nice thing for Schmeck to do? Should we all have better manners towards politicians we disagree with? After eight years of liberals calling George W. Bush "Hitler" and eight years of liberals calling anyone who had a different opinion than Barack Obama a racist (including Joe Biden claiming that if people elected Mitt Romney, he would put them "back in chains"), I'd be lying if I said I cared.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Five of the Worst Teachers of 2021

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Five of the Worst Teachers of 2021
Joseph Gunderson - December 23, 2021 at 08:49AM

This past year has brought all manner of crazies out of the woodwork. Fauci held in his insane thirst for power until Trump left office, and then he went off the rails. TikTokers and celebrities sang way too many songs about COVID and vaccines. And teachers finally let the cat out of the bag, demonstrating exactly why they shouldn’t be trusted. These are the absolute worst teachers of 2021!

5.) My parents are freaking dumb. You don't have to do everything your parents say. And you don't have to believe what your parents believe. Because most likely, you're smarter than them. ...

Teachers hate parents, and they hate students. I think it has a lot to do with hating themselves, but I’m not going to waste my time attempting to diagnose everything wrong with public school teachers. Needless to say, this woman here is unstable and unfit to be teaching children of any age. She’s pretty much everything you don’t want teaching your kids: she’s political and she has nothing but contempt for parents. Luckily, she was canned and not a moment too soon.

2.) "I have 180 days to turn [students] into revolutionaries. Scare the f*ck out of them."

When teachers aren’t outing themselves as fools or lunatics on TikTok, we can always depend on Project Veritas to pull the mask off and reveal their true, ugly colors. That was the case with our second place teacher, who explicitly states that he is attempting to turn his students into Marxist revolutionaries by scaring the f*ck out of them. He even gives extra credit for attending left-wing protests. Luckily, this radical douche nozzle—who, by the way, looks like some kind of Green Day washout—was fired soon after Project Veritas released the footage and a bunch of concerned parents demanded it.

CA High School Teacher Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students: 'Turn Them into Revolutionaries’

1.) Teenage students perform drag show and give lap dances to teachers.

When teachers aren’t pushing CRT on your kids, when they aren’t trying to make them into little communists, they are drowning them in a sea of LGBTQ propaganda that seeks to confuse them about gender, introduce them to perverse, deviant behaviors, and sexualize them. No event puts this into greater focus than a pep rally at a Kentucky high school, during which the female students dressed in Hooter’s outfits, and the boys dressed in drag, giving lap dances to the faculty and receiving spankings with paddles.

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from Steven Crowder Says