Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Watch: Ted Cruz Crushes Alejandro Mayorkas Over Biden's Border Crisis, That Mayorkas Knew NOTHING About

Watch: Ted Cruz Crushes Alejandro Mayorkas Over Biden's Border Crisis, That Mayorkas Knew NOTHING About
Joseph Gunderson - November 16, 2021 at 01:38PM

Congressional hearings can be a great source of entertainment, so long as one remembers to forget that the people being questioned are quite literally running this entire country into the ground. The gutting of AG Garland not long ago by Senators Cotton and Cruz was terribly entertaining. And Cruz is at it again, today questioning the peerless clown Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, whose Department of Homeland Security has decided protecting the border isn't even on the agenda.

Asked a series of questions regarding what seems like pretty basic stats that should be kept by his department, Mayorkas is woefully ill-prepared, unable to provide what could even come close to an answer. He just pulls a Psaki.

No data on the number of children the administration has locked in cages.

No knowledge of how many COVID-positive migrants were released into the country—something one would think the COVID dictators in the administration would be all over, except they aren't interested in restricting the freedoms of anyone except American citizens. And no knowledge of how many criminals they've released to terrorize the good people of the United States.

This level of incompetence is and more than likely will be a persistent theme throughout Biden's administration. And regarding the crisis at our southern border, it seems less like incompetence and more like a purposeful abdication. The Biden administration seems poised to take in hundreds of thousands of illegally crossing immigrants every month without any regard for the applicable laws. He's above the law—he's made as much clear.

Democratic politicians pooh-pooh the border crisis because it is beneficial to them. What could be better than importing hordes of migrants who will undoubtedly become dependent on the system? They become Democratic voters, and as the left loses popularity across the country due to pushing unpalatable policies, the Dems need all the votes they can get.

People need to understand: Leftist governance means a slow, painful end for this country. If you don't want that, it's time to start convincing your fellow citizens to vote for Republicans.

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