Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Watch Joe Biden's Message to America: As Bad As Thanksgiving Will Be This Year, At Least it's Not Last Year

Watch Joe Biden's Message to America: As Bad As Thanksgiving Will Be This Year, At Least it's Not Last Year
Brodigan - November 02, 2021 at 06:09PM

Americans wait anxiously for the results of the Virginia governor's race. I am not acknowledging any of the exit polls I've seen because, as I said on Twitter today, I will not be tempting the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing. If I were to acknowledge the exit polls, I would point out a reason why they say what they say is the incompetence and unpopularity of Joe Biden.

Our puddingheaded president sent a Thanksgiving message to America today. As bad as things are this year, at least they aren't "as bad" as last year! So we have that going for us. Which is nice.

"The bottom line is that I think that, uh, anyone who would prefer, uh, as bad as things are now as far as prices hurting families now, would trade this Thanksgiving for last Thanksgiving."

Inspiring. Keep in mind, this is the same nincompoop who in July bragged that he made our 4th of July BBQ - the one he almost didn't let us have - a whopping sixteen cents cheaper.

Oh, and the creepy whisper thing is back too.

When you think of it, for all the tapioca this man has where brain used to be, Biden has a point. I can see where some Americans would prefer this Thanksgiving to last Thanksgiving. We are a year into people realizing what a colossal mistake they made voting for him last November. Voters were sold a false bill of goods by Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) that Biden was a moderate who wanted to unify America. Or that he was coherent, competent, or even continent. Now a year in the Biden presidency, boy do they feel sheepish!

Having a year's worth of "I F*CKING TOLD YOU SO'S" is very helpful with the 2024 election starting tomorrow morning. So, yeah. In a way, this year's Thanksgiving may be better than last year.

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