Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Two Arrested and One on the Run in Afghanistan After Killing Wedding Guests ... for Playing Music

Two Arrested and One on the Run in Afghanistan After Killing Wedding Guests ... for Playing Music
Joseph Gunderson - November 02, 2021 at 01:46PM

Afghanistan has quickly devolved into an 8th-century hellscape ruled by religious fundamentalist zealots after the horrendous withdrawal of American forces from the area by former vice president Biden. Though the "new" Taliban has said they have a new, less oppressive vision for the country—one that doesn't include tossing homosexuals from building rooftops or stoning women—their sincerity couldn't be more suspect.

On October 26, three men arrived at a wedding and killed three people, injuring an additional ten. Why? Because the guests on the female side of the gathering were playing music. Allegedly, the men arrived asking the guests to stop playing music—music being banned under Sharia Law. When the guests refused, the men began shooting.

The Taliban government of the newly branded Islamic Emirate issued a statement saying:

"Two suspects have been arrested in connection with the incident and one has escaped and is being pursued. The perpetrators of the incident, who used the name of the Islamic Emirate to carry out personal feuds, were handed over to Sharia law."

The ruling group distanced themselves from the attackers, but witnesses of the event have said they recognized the men as Taliban members.

This attack wouldn't be out of character for the Taliban, either. As stated earlier, music is banned under Sharia, and the Taliban has stuck to the stance that music is not to be played. They also executed Fawad Andarabi, an Afghan folk singer, to demonstrate just that.

I don't know what I would do if I couldn't listen to music. I wouldn't last more than a handful of minutes in Afghanistan. And let's not forget why this is the case: Biden abandoned the Afghan people, leaving them to the tender mercies of their terrorist warlords.

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