Saturday, November 13, 2021

'Or What?': Shoplifter Casually Robs Small Boutique Because This is Life in Liberal Cities Now

'Or What?': Shoplifter Casually Robs Small Boutique Because This is Life in Liberal Cities Now
Brodigan - November 13, 2021 at 07:41AM

Liberal cities in America have essentially legalized shoplifting. The latest example of this comes from the security camera footage of a small boutique. You can guess the city if you haven't read it in the tweet yet. Notice how the shoplifter casually walks in and grabs armfuls of merchandise. When told to stop, he responds, "or what?"

Part of me feels bad for the small business owner. They've been through a lot. Particularly in San Francisco, where the mayor created draconian lockdown restrictions she doesn't follow herself. Rules such as if you want to bring your five-year-old shoplifting with you, they need to have their shots first.

But then I remember that people get what they vote for.

This is a common thing in liberal cities. Twice as bad if those cities are liberal states like California, where any stolen merchandise under $950 is acceptable. San Francisco, the most liberal city of the most liberal state, has been getting hit the worst. Go figure. Anti-police policies have led to policies where laws aren't enforced. Social Justice being the virtue signaled the brightest among leftists. Residents dealing with the rise in crime in liberal cities have no one to blame but themselves. Because they keep electing the same leftist politicians who support these policies. The only other option would be to vote for a conservative. And eww, gross.

Keep voting for the same failed leadership that keeps enforcing the same policies that make crime legal, homelessness a human right, and pooping on the sidewalk an expression of free speech. Just don't come crawling to real America thinking you're going to vote for those same people.

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