Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Enter Nicholas Sandmann: Offers Support to Kyle Rittenhouse, Encourages Him to Sue the Pants Off of the Media

Enter Nicholas Sandmann: Offers Support to Kyle Rittenhouse, Encourages Him to Sue the Pants Off of the Media
Brodigan - November 17, 2021 at 07:25AM

Nick Sandmann knows a thing or two about being a teenager the media lies about and tries to destroy. Just like what they've been doing to Kyle Rittenhouse. If you are unfamiliar with Sandmann's story, he was a seventeen-year-old in Washington DC taking part in the March for Life. A counter-protester antagonized him. Sandmann smiled. Someone took an out-of-context picture. CNN, blue-checkmark Twitter, and the rest of the news-entertainment industrial complex smeared the seventeen-year-old as a racist. Because Sandmann was wearing a MAGA hat and the counterprotester was from one of the left's preferred marginalized groups.

Sandmann has been there before. He penned an open letter to Kyle Rittenhouse to say he understands and he's here for him.

"From my own experience, the death threats, feeling of no future ahead, and that millions of people hate you, is enough to alter you in many concrete ways and permanently. Make no mistake: even the strongest of people cannot resist the mental impact when the media war machine targets you... This is the problem with liberal media outlets in the United States."

Sandmann acknowledged that winning a defamation lawsuit is hard. One of Rittenhouse's obvious targets is currently the president of the United States. But adds that if Kyle is "prepared to take on another burden in his early life, with the acceptance that it might result in nothing, I answer, give it a shot and hold the media accountable."

The Rittenhouse jury is set to continue deliberation on Wednesday morning. My concern is the longer it takes them to come to a decision, the more of a chance they'll base that decision on the lies of the media war machine. And NOT on the overwhelming evidence that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. I pray I'm wrong. I'm also looking forward to donating to Kyle's effort to sue the pants off of CNN, MSNBC, et al.

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