Wednesday, November 17, 2021

WOW: Whistleblower Claims FBI Counterterrorism Division Targeting Parents at School Board Meetings as Threats

WOW: Whistleblower Claims FBI Counterterrorism Division Targeting Parents at School Board Meetings as Threats
Joseph Gunderson - November 17, 2021 at 08:00AM

Let's start with a quick review. Parents have finally clued-in to the garbage being taught to their children and have chosen to do something about it. School boards haven't appreciated this at all. The National School Board Association sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking for help investigating parents who they characterized as "domestic terrorists". AG Merrick Garland, in testimony before Congress, claimed ignorance as to the exact contents of the letter or to what the contents referenced. Recently, we found out that Merrick Garland is a lying piece of human debris, and the White House and DOJ—as well as a handful of other executive departments—were all intimately involved with the process of writing the letter. And now!

A whistleblower with the FBI has provided documents to Representative Jim Jordan detailing how the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI has been instructed to investigate.

"We are now in receipt of a protected disclosure from a Department whistleblower showing that the FBI's Counterterrorism Division is compiling and categorizing threat assessments related to parents, including a document directing FBI personnel to use a specific 'threat tag' to track potential investigations."

An internal email communication within the Counterterrorism Division, dated the day before Garland's testimony before Congress, directs the recipient to "apply the threat tag to investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administratos, board members, teachers, and staff. The purpose of the threat tag is to help scope this threat on a national level."

It's pretty obvious the DOJ has been weaponized against parents on behalf of the teachers' unions, and AG Garland not only knew about it but lied about such knowledge to Congress.

Furthermore, the DOJ is an executive branch department. This is Biden's DOJ, and he is ultimately responsible for what actions are taken. This isn't just a matter of some rogue FBI agent botching an investigation. This is an entire FBI apparatus specifically targeting American citizens due to an opposition to the preferred party line.

The United States has officially devolved into a Soviet era communist dictatorship. The government centralization of power is well under way, the socialist state is presently being bolstered to make most—if not all—Americans dependent upon the state, and our government even has its own KGB to target political dissidents. How long until the Biden administration starts black-bagging people to gulags?

This is an attack on parents and their rights to have control of how they raise their children, what their children learn in school. But this is also an attack on the American way of life, on the balance between rights and government power, and on liberty itself. For if the government can target parents because a Democrat donor doesn't like what they're saying, then this country is effectively over.

Don't allow this to happen. We must hold everyone involved accountable.

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from Steven Crowder Says