Friday, March 5, 2021

Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Side with Gina Carano Over Disney, Woke Politics

Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Side with Gina Carano Over Disney, Woke Politics
Brodigan - March 05, 2021 at 01:07PM

Gina Carano being fired from Disney is the biggest "culture war" battle going on. Mostly because she has refused to back down after being fired for what some feel was an ill-advised Instagram post. The social left had been bullying Disney to get rid of her for a while, but the high crime of memeing is what finally did her in. What makes these incidents maddening is feeling like while a majority of Americans are too busy having a life to care about these things, a small minority of permaoffended leftist trolls can get anyone fired on a whim. There's now data to back this up, thanks to a new Public Opinion Strategies poll conducted with the Daily Wire.

It's a wide-ranging poll covering various aspects of "cancel culture." The Gina vs. Disney specific parts:

  • 72%, after being shown the social media post that got Caranao fired, said the firing was unjustified. 28% agreed.
  • 39% said the post may have been poorly worded.
  • 34% found nothing wrong with the quote.
  • 61% of those with a "less favorable" opinion of Disney point to "cancel culture" actions the company has taken.
  • 65% feel companies like Disney have taken political correctness too far, including 47% of Democrats.

Let's state the obvious. This is a poll conducted with the Daily Wire, and Gina Carano has signed a movie deal with Daily Wire. Use that information as you deem fit. I personally trust the poll. A "fact" checker working with Facebook may not, and if I don't make the DW part clear, they may deem me "missing context."

It's funny, though, how different opinions can be when you actually show people specifics. Another pollster might ask if you feel Gina Carano should have been fired for an "anti-Semitic post." Framed like that, I'm sure a lot of people might say yes because that sounds horrible. Show them the actual post or quote, and suddenly it's like "Is that it?" "Anti-Semitic can be replaced with any of the left's -isms and -ists. The point still stands.

Now comes the hard part. Gina and Shapiro need to make a really good movie that is hugely successful.

from Steven Crowder Says