Thursday, March 18, 2021

South Carolina Democrat Introduces Bill Banning Minors from Gender-Reassignment Surgery

South Carolina Democrat Introduces Bill Banning Minors from Gender-Reassignment Surgery
Brodigan - March 18, 2021 at 08:13AM

The debate over whether minors should be allowed life-altering gender reassignment surgery is, for whatever reason, contentious and partisan. The people in opposition tend to be Republican. Sen. Rand Paul had a well-publicized dust-up over the issue with Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine. The Republican-led Alabama Senate is putting forth a bill they say is to protect kids. In South Carolina, there is a similar bill being introduced banning minors from this life-altering surgery. Only it's being introduced by a Democrat.

Democrat State Rep. Cezar McKnight has introduced the South Carolina Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act. From the bill:

No person shall engage in, counsel, make a referral for, or cause any of the following practices to be performed upon a minor if the practice is performed for the purpose of attempting to alter the appearance of or affirm the minor's perception of the minor's gender or sex, if that perception is inconsistent with the minor's sex as defined in this chapter.

If signed into law, not only would the bill make it illegal for minors to receive the treatment, but violating the law would be a felony with up to twenty years in prison. Rep. McKnight had this to say to the Associated Press:

Black Democrats tend to be more conservative than white progressives. I would not have ever put this bill forward if I didn't think the people in my district wouldn't be receptive, and they are. Pastors, young parents, older parents, they all tell me the same thing: If you want to do this, wait until you're 18.

Where this legislation and legislation like it go from here will be interesting to watch. Rep. McKnight shows that there is bipartisan support for such legislation. Opposition so far comes entirely from the partisan far left. If more states start to take up this debate and activists on both sides organize for or against it, I can't imagine any resolution without the Supreme Court chiming in. Nationally, the American people will have their first opportunity to have their voice heard with the 2022 midterm elections.

from Steven Crowder Says