Friday, March 19, 2021

President Biden Trips Over His Own Feet, Gets Back Up, Falls Again

President Biden Trips Over His Own Feet, Gets Back Up, Falls Again
Brodigan - March 19, 2021 at 11:53AM

Dude. This is just sad.

I have two regrets about this video. One is YouTube copyright rules. Otherwise, I would have it on a twenty-minute loop with Chumbawamba singing "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN." Probably some fart sounds too. The other regret is that this didn't happen during lunchtime in the 8th grade. I would have started the loudest "D!CK" chant ever recorded. There's a chance that as an adult I may have started a d!ck chant watching this video just now. I am unable confirm nor deny doing that. But my cat is looking at me funny.

I'm going to enjoy watching how the media circles the wagons around this. Oldheads will remember that President Gerald Ford fell once and comedian Chevy Chase made an entire career out of it. That probably won't be the case on SNL this weekend, since Biden is a Democrat. Even though yesterday he (allegedly, accidentally) forgot which one of them was president. The week before, he stumbled on the name of his defense secretary. Biden regularly looks confused as people shout questions at him. Everyone trips once in a while. It's more common when you're a 78-year-old man. Add all these things together and make him a Republican, the chyron for CNN would say "Elder Abuse." Instead, it will be about Republicans "seizing" on the president of the United States forgetting how to walk.

It just sucks that Donald Trump doesn't have Twitter. He totally would have tweeted, "HAVE A GOOD TRIP, SLEEPY JOE! SEE YOU NEXT FALL! MAGA!"

from Steven Crowder Says