Saturday, March 13, 2021

Sarah Silverman Claims She's Totally Over Being a Democrat

Sarah Silverman Claims She's Totally Over Being a Democrat
Brodigan - March 13, 2021 at 07:40AM

Sarah Silverman is not our friend. At all. At one point in her career, she was kinda funny. Then she went all-in on being a typical leftist Democrat. She regularly bashed President Trump. One time she compared waving the American flag to Nazi Germany. She even got triggered over the color of Band-Aids for some faux-woke reason. That was then, though. Today she claims she's over being a Democrat, or being in ANY party. Whether this is Biden buyer's remorse or a desperate cry for attention, the jury is still out. Though I can venture to guess.

It's the absolutist-ness of the party I am in that is such a turnoff to me. It's so f*cking elitist, you know, for something called progressive it allows for zero progress. It's all or nothing, all steps forward, all or f*cking nothing.

Her party has always been like this. But whatever, she's rolling.

Again, righteousness porn. And I've been thinking about this a lot just in general. I just, I don't know that I want to be associated with any party. I really, I think I don't want to be associated with any party anymore. It just, it comes with too much baggage.

I'm not sure what brought about her sudden revelation. Maybe it was because Biden and Harris didn't actually get children out of cages. Or, they did, but then put the kids in shipping containers.

I'm not saying political conversions aren't possible. Buyer's remorse is a real thing. As Biden Democrats keep stampeding to the extreme left, more voters are going to suddenly realize he wasn't the "pragmatic moderate" as advertised by the media. And I welcome anyone realizing the error of their ways politically. We can meet in the middle, grab a beer, and then start pulling you in the right and much more sane direction.

I just don't buy that Silverman is having a "come to Jesus (is magic)" moment. I think she just wants people to pay attention to her as a "look at me, I shun politics" person.

from Steven Crowder Says