Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mexican Inventors Create a 'Nose Mask' Protecting You from COVID While Eating. Don't Tell Fauci.

Mexican Inventors Create a 'Nose Mask' Protecting You from COVID While Eating. Don't Tell Fauci.
Brodigan - March 24, 2021 at 01:51PM

A buddy in college wanted to start a trend where you cut holes in the front and back of a T-shirt and wore it sideways. He wanted to see how many people would be dumb enough to follow. We also may have engaged in recreational activities that would get us fired from the Biden administration. I think of my college pal when I see stories like this from the CBS News Twitter account.

A Mexican nose mask. To protect you from COVID. While eating.

This is the VERIFIED CBS News account, so I am 51% sure I'm not falling for a hoax. Upon a Google search of "Mexican nose mask" to uncover more information, I found only this Yahoo News link. Which was more or less the embedded tweet.

This is a 'nose-only mask'

Researchers in Mexico designed it to be worn under a normal face mask

They say the masks protect you while eating and drinking

Locator: City, Mexico


You can't joke about this. People joked about wearing two masks and before we knew it, Anthony Fauci said that would be dope. A doctor from CNN said he wants you masking up every winter from now on. CNBC said, "Two masks? Three masks would be so much better." I wish that was sarcasm. THE ANCHOR ACTUALLY PUT ON THREE MASKS. Have you seen double-maskers out in the wild? It's very offputting. Also, I can't stress this enough, when you wear two masks, you look like an asshole. Not as bad as these two specimens wearing a nose mask under their face mask. But still, I don't like you and would stay six feet away even without the CDC telling me to do so.

I can guarantee someone somewhere thought up "nose masks" as a joke. Possibly while enjoying nose candy. By simply putting that out into the universe, Mexican researchers decided to make a mask for your schnoz. The brief respite you get from being masked in public by sitting down for a meal was too much.

I'm setting the over/under for when Anthony Fauci says that he wants everyone wearing nose masks as April 13. Comment on the Facebook post that brought you here if you're taking the OVER or the UNDER.

from Steven Crowder Says