Monday, March 22, 2021

Psaki Gets Called Out: Migrants Given Hotel Rooms While National Guard Sleeps in Parking Garage?

Psaki Gets Called Out: Migrants Given Hotel Rooms While National Guard Sleeps in Parking Garage?
Brodigan - March 22, 2021 at 01:23PM

It was reported over the weekend that the Biden administration is paying over $86 million for hotel rooms for illegal immigrants. This is to help deal with the border crisis that they claim isn't a border crisis. But if it was a border crisis, and they're not saying that it is, but if it was a border crisis, it would totally be Donald Trump's fault. Follow me so far?

Spending taxpayer money to rent out a Motel 6 for non-citizens is one thing. But Americans who are old enough to remember January point to our National Guard. And how they were made to sleep in a parking garage. If you feel the Biden administration has that backward, you're probably not an open-borders leftist douche.

A reporter ACTUALLY challenged Jen Psaki on it. Psaki didn't say the words "circle back," but you know she was thinking it.

REPORTER: One of the options being reported over the weekend is that you're spending over $86 million dollars on hotel rooms for migrants and feeding them. How do you square that with the National Guard troops who were sleeping in parking garages and some of them got sick —

COVID. Some of them got COVID. Please continue.

REPORTER: — from having contaminated food. That's a disparity that a lot of people are pointing out that our National Guard was treated one way while illegal immigrants are going to be put in hotel rooms?

BRIDE OF CHUCKY: The president had no idea that was happening ... hey, look over there at that obvious distraction!

While it's lovely that the commander in chief "did something" once someone explained what was happening around the block from his new home, it doesn't answer the question. Illegal immigrants get hotel rooms, not questions asked. American citizens who sign up to defend our country were stuck sleeping in a parking garage because no one asked questions. What's up with that?

A politically cynical mind would think the answerr to that question is simple: Democrats care about illegal immigrants.

from Steven Crowder Says