Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Former Democrat Senator Lashes Out, Calls Gina Carano 'Nazi,' 'White Supremacist'

Former Democrat Senator Lashes Out, Calls Gina Carano 'Nazi,' 'White Supremacist'
Brodigan - March 30, 2021 at 07:04AM

There needs to be "consequence culture" for grown-ass adults who call people Nazis. "Consequence culture" is what woke leftist schmucks call cancel culture. They aren't "canceling" you because you tweeted the wrong thing on Twitter when you were a teenager. They're giving you consequences for it. You need to be accountable for any joke you made in the past based on 2021's oversensitivity. Their logic is literally that retarded. Meanwhile, former Democrat senators like Heidi Heitkamp get to call people racist with impunity. Because she knows there are no consequences for it. Because she's a Democrat.

Heidi Heitkamp was on Bill Maher's show talking about cancel culture when Gina Carano came up. We all know Gina. The woke leftist schmucks tried to strike her down, but she grew to become more powerful than they possibly imagined. Though according to Heidi, Gina's a Nazi.

She was a nazi.

She is involved with white supremacy.

She hangs with white supremacists.

At best, Heidi thought she was being funny, pandering to a leftist crowd and failing miserably at it. At worst, she's an obnoxious biyatch. She seems like the kind of person who thinks her barista is a nazi too for spelling her name wrong on her latte. There's probably a support group of managers she's asked to speak to.

Assclowns like Heidi Krumplesnatch are never challenged on anything. "How is Gina Carano a Nazi?" "What 'white supremacists' does she hang out with?" Ten bucks says the only name Heidi can come up with is Ben Shapiro. Yes, the same Ben Shapiro celebrating Passover this week. He'd be the white supremacist because "white supremacist" is what we call anyone who has a different opinion from a Democrat.

Gina responded, saying "Here we have more of the dehumanizing phase of cancel culture. ... False, disturbing & disgusting language coming from a former US Senator. You knew as soon as you said it you were liable."

If I were Carano, I'd sue her for defamation. She'd find a ton of lawyers willing to work pro bono. Make an example of Heitkamp and make her feel some financial pain. These leftist dickheads need to start feeling some consequences of their own.

Also, between "Carano" and "Heitkamp," only one of you has a German-sounding last name.

from Steven Crowder Says