Wednesday, March 10, 2021

White House Can't Chase Media Away Fast Enough When Biden's Asked About a Crisis at the Border

White House Can't Chase Media Away Fast Enough When Biden's Asked About a Crisis at the Border
Brodigan - March 10, 2021 at 07:12AM

If your job at the White House is to control the press, you're having a rough week. The White House refuses to say there is a crisis at the border because labels are bad. Reporters are also calling out the fact that Joe Biden hasn't taken questions yet. Jen Psaki claims that "he takes questions all the time." To which, a reporter from the Associated Press pointed out that they have to yell questions at him and that the president can barely hear them half the time. Think about that last sentence as you watch this video.

The president was paying a visit to a hardware store to promote his stimulus package. The same one that is a festering pile of cat turds. Listen to how frantically his handlers tried to shush reporters from asking him about the crisis at the border that the White House isn't labeling a crisis.

Let's skip the part where the president of the United States looks lost and meandering and like he doesn't know where he is. He may have been thinking about his afternoon tapioca before his nap. That would all be conjecture. I would hate to have this post "fact" checked because Joe Biden is really a rice pudding kinda guy. For people you would assume are communications professionals, they don't seem to understand "optics." The press was all like "Mr. President, I have a serious question about a serious problem this country is facing." Biden's handlers were all like ...

For a guy the White House claims they aren't keeping from the press, there are a remarkable number of videos of him being kept from the press. Or, at the very least, not hearing the questions shouted at him. Jen Psaki claims that they were planning a full press conference sometime before the end of March. It'll be interesting to see if it actually happens. It'll be entertaining AF to watch if it does.

from Steven Crowder Says