Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Atlanta Shooting May NOT Be Hate Crime, Shooter Claims Sex Addiction: Police

Atlanta Shooting May NOT Be Hate Crime, Shooter Claims Sex Addiction: Police
Brodigan - March 17, 2021 at 11:40AM

Always wait for details. Always wait for facts to come in.

On Tuesday, there was a mass shooting in Atlanta. Eight people were murdered at massage parlors. I won't name the shooter, because f*ck that guy. I'd rather he not know that I know he exists and that he spend the rest of his life as anonymous prison chum. Most of the victims were Asian, so it didn't take long before leftists tied it to Donald Trump and the recent increase in anti-Asian hate crimes. Which, if they waited all of twelve hours, they would know that may not be the case. Police tell the Associated Press that, as of right now, indicators are that it might NOT be racially motivated. There's also this detail:

Officials did not say that [the shooter], ever went to the parlors where the shootings occurred. They also said he was planning to go to Florida in a plot to attack "some type of porn industry."
"He made indicators that he has some issues, potentially sexual addiction, and may have frequented some of these places in the past," said Sheriff Frank Reynolds, of Cherokee County, where one of the targeted businesses was.

I see. So he was a scumbag and a pervert. Good to know.

Is it possible further investigation shows that this WAS racially motivated? Perhaps. That's why you wait for facts to come out. Also, hate crime or just multiple homicide, prosecute this man to the fullest extent of the law. Let the prison system sort out the rest.

As of this writing, President Biden hasn't spoken publicly yet. It will be curious to see if he labels it as a "hate crime" even if facts don't back that up. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and House Democrats have also all made it clear that gun control is on their agenda. I'll let you set your level of political cynicism to decide whether they're going to exploit this for that end.

from Steven Crowder Says