Sunday, March 28, 2021

White House Confirms: Joe Biden Planning Executive Orders to Push Gun Control

White House Confirms: Joe Biden Planning Executive Orders to Push Gun Control
Brodigan - March 28, 2021 at 07:54AM

Be sure to bookmark this clip of Joe Biden from October, saying "you can't [legislate] by executive order unless you're a dictator." He was talking about President Trump. Then Biden got elected and proceeded to go executive order crazy, signing anything you put in front of him. It's almost like when you fail a test in school and need a parent to sign it, you give it to your senile grandpa because he won't yell at you. Only instead of a failing test, it's failing policies that kill jobs and create chaos at the border.

Bookmark that clip of Joe Biden insinuating that Joe Biden is a dictator. Because the White House confirmed: gun control executive orders are coming.

I will note that when the president was the vice-president in the Obama-Biden administration, he helped put in place 23 executive actions to combat gun violence. It's one of the levers that we can use, that any federal government, any President can use to help address the prevalence of gun violence and address community safety around the country.

What those executive orders will be is unclear. President Pudding-brain was asked about gun control at his press conference, only got confused and rambled about infrastructure. Maybe his executive order on gun control will be to create bridges and roads. Or maybe he'll ban making finger guns and saying "bang." Biden is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. Also, the chocolates all taste like old man farts.

What we do know is that the president has called for a gun ban. We know he campaigned on an INSANE gun control platform. We know his sidekick has endorsed gun confiscation in the past. Whatever is in Biden's executive orders, it's going to suck. Any elected official who even hints of backing Biden's anti-gun agenda needs to be held accountable for it in 2022.

from Steven Crowder Says