Monday, March 29, 2021

Americans Oppose Joe Biden on Immigration, Guns by Huge Margin: Poll

Americans Oppose Joe Biden on Immigration, Guns by Huge Margin: Poll
Brodigan - March 29, 2021 at 08:10AM

ABC News released a new poll on Joe Biden. The headlines will be about how much Americans love him on economic recovery and vaccines. Which, fair is fair, makes sense. Giving people a $1,400 check will convince them Biden's good on the economy as long as they don't realize how much that $1,400 check is costing them. Joe Biden has also done a great job of taking credit for the multiple vaccines Donald Trump left for him. People are terrorizing our ear cavities with songs about it. It would be a disaster if Biden didn't get high marks there.

Where there is a disaster is on the two issues that have come up WHILE Biden was president: guns and immigration. Americans think Biden su-diddly-ucks there.

Biden, at the same time, is facing some early tests in his first two months in office, finding himself underwater for his handling of gun violence after two mass shootings in a week and the surge of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, which has brought at least 18,000 unaccompanied children into U.S. custody.

An equal 57% of Americans disapprove of his approach on both issues, while just over 4 in 10 Americans approve.

Our dude created a crisis on the border that wasn't there before. Even if you're a leftist twerp who thinks this country needs more better illegal immigrants flooding the border, it's hard to deny Biden pooped his pants here. He's also screwed up on the border.

The gun thing is more complicated because it depends on how people polled define "gun violence." If I were polled? I'd look at the two incidents in question (Colorado and Atlanta). I'd add how Joe Biden wants to make it harder for me to defend myself. Multiply that by the fact that Biden's planning to chip away at gun rights via executive order. Then I'd come to the equation that when it comes to guns, President Biden can suck it. As many as 57% of Americans seem to agree.

It will be interesting to see wich way the polls go as the White House attempts to provide solutions to either issue.

from Steven Crowder Says