Friday, March 26, 2021

Vegans of Color Unite Against the Scourge of White Veganism for Some Reason

Vegans of Color Unite Against the Scourge of White Veganism for Some Reason
Brodigan - March 26, 2021 at 09:47AM

Leftists have completely destroyed my ability to detect satire. I used to have a finely tuned satirical radar that instantly identified what's a cleverly crafted sketch and what's woke douchelords being soy douchelords. It's been overworked and is currently on the fritz. As God as my witness, I have no idea if this is real or not.

Vegans of color taking a stand against —*deep sigh* — "white" veganism.

When you fail to account for white supremacy in veganism, you get white veganism.

We must address the role of white supremacy and the oppression it creates regardless of if we are vegan or not.

White veganism focuses solely on animal liberation while ignoring the context of colonization and imperialism and how all of this affects all human beings and the planet.

There's more, but I felt we could all use a break. Also, rest in peace, Jessica Walter.

Not all white people vegans are "white vegans."

Our veganism must be intersectional, accessible, anti-racist, anti-imperialist, and decolonized.

I have no idea what most of those words mean.

This has to be a comedy troupe. Vegans are an easy target. The lack of eating delicious meat leaves them unable to fight back. Vegans are known for not having a sense of humor and being easily triggered at all the things. Which, I get it. If I went through life never knowing how orgasmic BBQ is to all five senses, I'd be an insufferable prick too. Keeping all that in mind, I can easily see a handful of improv players pulling this off. You're on TikTok and you don't think vegans are woke enough. Now, GO!

It has to be. The only other alternative is that there are people in this world who actually trying to make "white veganism" a thing. Because being a vegan isn't obnoxious enough. Let's throw gender studies and critical race theory on top of it! There are people who woke up one morning and chose violence by destroying what's left of satire. It makes me sad.

Then I remember I'm smoking a brisket tomorrow and I feel awesome instead.

from Steven Crowder Says