Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Animated Video Exposes Truth About Democrats' 'Universal Background Check' Bill

Animated Video Exposes Truth About Democrats' 'Universal Background Check' Bill
Brodigan - March 16, 2021 at 07:16AM

The House recently passed H.R. 8, the "Universal Background Check" bill. Which is no surprise. Democrats have control of the House, and their opinion on the Second Amendment is crystal clear. Joe Biden wants gun control. Kamala Harris wants gun control. Leftist activists dressed like Santa Claus want gun control. Idiot actresses want gun control. If they could repeal the Second Amendment, they would. But that takes a lot of work. That requires making a case to the American people why only the government should be free to have firearms, why it should be more difficult for law-abiding citizens to have them, and why Americans should cede power to Washington, D.C. Instead, Democrats just chip away by adding regulations on top of restrictions on top of regulations.

H.R. 8 starts with Democrat's two favorites, "universal background checks" and "closing the gun show loophole." It's what they sell as "common sense," and someone who doesn't follow politics closely may agree. If you know someone who does, show them this video from Rep. Dan Crenshaw. It a) shows that neither are common sense; b) shows that the only people it affects are law-abiding citizens; and c) explains why in a way apolitical people will understand.

Will criminals follow the law? In fact, it is already illegal to knowingly transfer a gun to someone who can't legally possess a weapon. And yet criminals do it anyway. So would universal background checks stop crime? Will criminals "self-report" their transactions required under universal background checks? Of course not. They already don't. Because they are criminals and there is no incentive to do so.

Keep in mind, H.R. 8 is just the beginning, the first of what's assumed to be many attempts from Democrats to chip away at gun rights. This three-minute video is a great way to explain why these bills are bullplop. Though, I'd argue you could make a similar argument in under a minute.

from Steven Crowder Says