Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Woman Sings Disney Song About Biden's Stimulus Bill. It's Worse Than It Sounds

Woman Sings Disney Song About Biden's Stimulus Bill. It's Worse Than It Sounds
Brodigan - March 24, 2021 at 07:40AM

Joe Biden recently signed the American Rescue Plan, aka the stimulus bill, aka a massive increase in the role of government under the guise of COVID "relief," where little is used for actual relief. And where some taxpayers are given $1,400 even though the bill is costing them over $5,000. Reactions to this bill run the spectrum. Americans have legitimate concerns with the increased government spending and the hold government continues to take over their lives. Others stan Big Government and only want more of it. This woman woke up one morning and chose violence.

Not literal violence, of course. But my ears are looking for a safe space.

There's a lot here. Songs about how wonderful the government is are very Soviet-adjacent. This woman seems way too happy that her government is letting her live life again. Or, will let her live her life again. Anyone excited about politicians telling them when they were allowed to go back to school or go to bars, there's a chance they hit their head on the counter taking their 37th load of banana bread out of the oven during the pandemic. But this part:

Then, we can talk
Then we can hug our friends
And hug our family and our loved ones
It's exciting to see
A shift in ideology
A plan for our world

I find it hard to believe that there are people living in America who have been living like this. During the initial fifteen days to flatten the curve? Okay. I regretfully cop to not doing things like picking up my nephew. But it's over a year after fifteen days to flatten the curve. People have long since gone back to living their lives, following the minimal number of restrictions they need to do so. If a year later you are still staying away from family or avoiding contact with your loved ones, too much panic porn from CNN has rotted your brain. I find it hard to believe there are people in this country who think like this. Though not that hard.

Unless this song is meant to make fun of people like that. Maybe I haven't had enough coffee this morning to get the satire. If that's the case, you got me. Well done!

from Steven Crowder Says