Thursday, March 11, 2021

Broad Support Shown for Banning Transgender Males from Girls' Sports, According to New Poll

Broad Support Shown for Banning Transgender Males from Girls' Sports, According to New Poll
Brodigan - March 11, 2021 at 06:59AM

The issue of allowing transgender males to compete in girls' sports is contentious. There are lawsuits on behalf of biologically female athletes. States are trying to level the playing field. Bipartisan bills are being proposed in Congress to allegedly save women's sports. The issue was even discussed during a hearing for Joe Biden's education secretary. Like with a lot of things, it gets framed as a left vs. right issue. Where do most Americans stand? According to a recent Politico poll, with the biologically female athletes.

Politico framed this as a ban on "transgender athletes in women's sports." They even went so far as to label it as the "Donald Trump position." Get it? Because since Donald Trump is sooooo unpopular, people who agree with him on an issue think unpopular things as well. Meanwhile, if this were JUST a "Donald Trump position," with numbers like this, Donald Trump would still be president.

  • Men: 59% support a ban, 29% oppose
  • Women: 46% support a ban, 34% oppose
  • Republicans: 74% support a ban, 15% oppose
  • Dems: 40% support a ban, 42% oppose
  • Independents: 49% support a ban, 33% oppose
  • Gen Z: 43% support a ban, 44% oppose
  • Millennials: 56% support a ban, 28% oppose
  • Baby boomers: 50% support a ban, 32% oppose
Set aside the lack of respect for Generation X being left off this poll.

Also set aside the biased framing of the question. Another way to frame it would be that 56% of Millennials favor protecting girls' sports, 28% think it's fair to ignore science and allow people biologically born male to compete against people biologically born female. Politico went the "y'all on the wrong side of history" route by framing it as supporting a BAN on the trans community. EVEN FRAMING IT LIKE THAT, the only groups in opposition are Democrats and Generation Z, and just barely. One would assume Dems and Zoomers would be overwhelmingly opposed.

Maybe, just maybe, the issue is more complicated than leftists and the media (but I repeat myself) like to claim. Or, maybe it's not so complicated if you believe in science.

from Steven Crowder Says