Monday, March 22, 2021

Project Veritas Obtains Photos of Biden's Migrant Detention Centers

Project Veritas Obtains Photos of Biden's Migrant Detention Centers
Courtney Kirchoff - March 22, 2021 at 04:07PM

According to leftist media and their feckless followers on Twitter, Donald Trump put migrant children in cages. Never mind the policy was a carry over from President Obama. When a narrative is a foot, you're not supposed to ask questions. Such was the hoopla, even AOC made a little hay with a dramatic photo op of crying in front of a "detention center." The quotation marks there are not accidental. All this is relevant to the story Project Veritas has for us today. New alleged photos of migrant detention centers in Donna, Texas. Note who's president and who's not president for this one.

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