Saturday, March 20, 2021

Don Jr. Shares Funny Video of Biden Falling That The Media Thinks You're Too Stupid To Know Is 'Edited'

Don Jr. Shares Funny Video of Biden Falling That The Media Thinks You're Too Stupid To Know Is 'Edited'
Brodigan - March 20, 2021 at 08:05AM

On Friday, we had fun at Joe Biden's expense. We've been having a lot of fun at Biden's expense lately. Friday was extra special watching the president forget how to walk upstairs. Critics point to his age and obvious diminishing mental faculties for him forgetting it goes left, then right. The White House blamed the wind. The media said, "sure, why not." It was one of those moments where you regret not having the former president on Twitter. He would have totally been like, "HAVE A GOOD TRIP, SLEEPY JOE! SEE YOU NEXT FALL! MAGA!"

The good news is that Big Tech hasn't deplatformed Donald Trump Jr. yet. He came in clutch with this hysterical video.

This is what we in the digital community call a "meme." Or, if it's not technically a meme, it's at least meme-adjacent. You splice two unrelated clips together to present them in an OBVIOUS and funny way. At no point was Don Jr. looking to mislead you into thinking his dad ACTUALLY knocked Joe Biden over with a golf ball. Physics-wise, it just doesn't make sense. Trump Sr. is in Florida. Joe Biden was in Atlanta. The sheer strength it would take for Trump to hit the golf ball to have it travel to the next state would be off the charts. Yes, even if it was as windy as the White House claimed it was.

But in case it wasn't obvious that, no, the former president DIDN'T bean the current president in the head, here's The Hill to let you know Don Jr. shared an EDITED video.

The 9-second clip begins with former President Trump on a golf course hitting a ball before cutting to footage of Biden from Friday when he stumbled twice on the stairs while boarding Air Force One for a trip to Georgia, with the edited video showing a golf ball hitting his head each time.

At best, a writer for The Hill is a bitter leftist without a sense of humor. At worse, they think that YOU are too stupid to realize that, no, President Trump's golf swing isn't so mighty and powerful it can pick someone off 500 miles away with sniper-like precision. Also, in case it comes up, Donald Trump didn't actually clothesline CNN. He was clotheslining Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 23. Someone just put the CNN logo over Vince's head. Oh, wait. THAT DID COME UP!

Memes are funny on their own. They are made funnier when the media overreacts to them. Donald Trump Jr. got a twofer with this one.

from Steven Crowder Says