Wednesday, March 24, 2021

White House Threatens Executive Orders to Push Gun Control

White House Threatens Executive Orders to Push Gun Control
Brodigan - March 24, 2021 at 08:18AM

Last October, Joe Biden claimed that "you can't [legislate] by executive order unless you're a dictator." He was talking about President Trump. Now that he's president, he can't sign enough executive orders. Stopping construction on the border wall? That's an executive order. Stopping construction on a pipeline that's putting thousands of Americans to work, effectively killing those jobs? That's an executive order. So it's no surprise Biden is eyeing executive orders to push his gun control agenda.

"The way he sees is that there are a number of levers that any president of the United States can use, and he as vice president was leading the effort on determining executive actions that could be taken on gun safety measures, it's something that he has worked on, he's passionate about, he feels personally connected to," [press secretary] Jen Psaki told reporters.

No word yet on what executive orders Biden is dreaming up in his (allegedly) dementia-ridden brain. On Tuesday, the president demanded a gun ban from Congress and promised to do all in his power to make it happen. Before you panic, it's not a total gun ban. Just whatever Biden and the Democrats define as an "assault weapon." Okay, now you can panic.

Biden's problem is his own party, or specifically Sen. Joe Manchin. The current gun control agenda is so extreme, it's even turning off the few moderate Democrats left. Republicans should stand in unison against anything Biden has planned to chip away at the Second Amendment. If not, that's why God created primary challenges.

from Steven Crowder Says