Thursday, March 18, 2021

Freudian Slip Much? Joe Biden Brainfarts, Calls Kamala 'President Harris'

Freudian Slip Much? Joe Biden Brainfarts, Calls Kamala 'President Harris'
Brodigan - March 18, 2021 at 02:50PM

As you enjoy this clip, I want you to keep one thing in mind. There were Democrats who were concerned about "the dementia thing" as far back as the convention. To be clear, I'M NOT SAYING there is a dementia thing. I'm not a medical doctor. I don't have the expertise to diagnose anyone. But, you know, "some" say and all that. It's not like this would be the first time President Biden bumbled a name. He recently appeared to forget the name of his Defense Secretary AND the name of the Department of Defense. I say "appeared to" because Snopes was quick to circle the wagons on that one.

That brings us to today. Biden was giving a speech on vaccine distribution. You know, gotta get those needles into our arms if we hope to have a small party in July. Our esteemed President of the United States, who is in complete control of all his mental faculties, forgot he was the President of the United States. Allegedly.

OLD MAN WITHERS (out loud): This is really important. Because we believe speed and efficiency must be matched with fairness and equity. Now when PRESIDENT HARRIS and I, took, uh --

*awkward pause*

OLD MAN WITHERS (to himself): Dangnabbit.

Of course, Joe Biden meant to say VICE President Harris. As in Kamala Harris. The woman who I'm sure has not been measuring the curtains in the Oval Office since January 22nd. I'm also sure she doesn't have Lin Manuel working on a new hip-hop musical on the 25th amendment. Nor are her people pitching "How To Tell If a 78 Year Old Man Has Dementia" stories to HuffPo, Vox, and Slate. If Buzzfeed picks it up, maybe they'll tell the story through 11 Zoey's Extradoridanary Playlist .gifs. That would be dope.

Freudian slip? Senior Moment? Maybe. But I'm sure it was just a simple slip-up due to Biden's childhood stutter we never knew he had until last year.

I'm mostly sure. At least 51% sure. Or, 50.1% sure.

from Steven Crowder Says