Thursday, March 25, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Gives Four Examples Why Kamala Harris Is Horrible to Lead Border Crisis Response

Dan Crenshaw Gives Four Examples Why Kamala Harris Is Horrible to Lead Border Crisis Response
Brodigan - March 25, 2021 at 07:50AM

The crisis on the border is because of Joe Biden's incompetence. People can blame Donald Trump all they want. The White House can block reporters all they want. Biden announced plans for amnesty, and everything conservatives warned about doing so since 1986 has come true. Biden has been so horrible that even Mexico is dunking on him for it. Or worse, Biden was forced to admit that Donald Trump was right. When faced with a crisis, Biden did what any leader would do. He's dumping it off on someone else and putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of border crisis response.

As Dan Crenshaw points out in this tweet, Biden managed to pick the one person who is worse than he is. Let's relive some of then-Senator Harris' opinions on illegal immigration.

1) propose decriminalizing illegal crossings
2) compare ICE to KKK
3) advocate for taxpayer funded healthcare for illegals
4) hate the wall so much you vote against a DACA-wall compromise?

To be fair, a lot of these positions were when Harris was running for president herself. She needed to pander to a radical left who thinks illegal immigration is bae. That doesn't mean these are the positions she holds now. Even though the Biden-Harris administration (that's what Biden wants us to call it) has put forth the most radically left agenda we've seen in decades. I say "to be fair" just because one of Facebook's independent "fact" checkers may ding the Crenshaw tweet on those grounds. No one with a semi-functioning brain has any reason to believe Harris isn't as radical as advertised. Which I guess rules out Joe Biden.

There is a crisis on the border because the president of the United States signaled he's opening the border. His solution to the crisis is to dump it off on his vice president, who believes enforcing the border is comparable to the Ku Klux Klan. If you can think of a better example to define the Biden-Harris administration, I would love to hear it.

from Steven Crowder Says