Thursday, March 18, 2021

'Climate Czar' John Kerry Busted Not Wear Mask on Airplane, Offers Questionable Excuse

'Climate Czar' John Kerry Busted Not Wear Mask on Airplane, Offers Questionable Excuse
Brodigan - March 18, 2021 at 07:04AM

Joe Biden's "Climate Czar" John Kerry walks on to a plane. The flight attendant says, "Why the long face?"

Ten bucks say this is a story Facebook's independent "fact" checkers circle the wagons on. So I'm going to present both sides of what happened on a domestic flight. Then I'm going to offer an opinion on it. Sound good? By now, when we're over a year since "15 days to flatten the curve," everyone knows you have to wear a mask on an airplane. Every time Joe Biden is in front of a microphone, every third word is "mask." It would appear, according to the Tennessee Star, John Kerry needs to work on his listening skills. Or he at least missed Jill Biden's Super Bowl ad. Ol' Droopy Face was busted NOT wearing a mask while flying American Airlines.

John Forbes Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, while sitting in first-class, took off his mask today as he settled into his book moments before his American Airlines flight from Boston to Washington took off.

The so-called Climate Envoy was not eating, nor drinking, even though first-class passengers are often served before take-off.

Yes, John Kerry is alleged to have committed the same crime that gets high school students punished, disabled veterans arrested, and people getting buckets of water dumped on them. Critics were quick to note the gross hypocrisy. Chef Andrew Gruel said, "My six-year-old was reprimanded for having his mask below his nose for 30 seconds. Babies have been removed from planes." American Airlines says the alleged event is under investigation. I threw an "alleged" in there because Kerry responded with what he feels is a perfectly reasonable excuse.

Feels like there's some St. Patrick's day "malarkey" afoot on Twitter. Let's be clear: If I dropped my mask to one ear on a flight, it was momentary. I wear my mask because it saves lives and stops the spread. It's what the science tells us to do.

An eyewitness tells Fox News the malarkey is coming from John Kerry. The witness claims the mask was off for at least five minutes: "If five minutes is 'momentarily,' he's correct. Not sure being in a plane without a mask for five minutes is excusable."

Now that all sides have been presented, here comes the opinion:

It's not him not wearing a mask and it's not the hypocrisy. It's the way Candleface and leftists like him can barely contain how stupid they think we all are. Like, dude. You were busted. We see the photo. There isn't a cup of coffee or an American Airlines snack pack in sight. You're in the middle of reading. It would have cost you nothing to just admit you f*cked up. Instead, there's "malarkey." And he smugly reminds us how he "follows" the science. This is the same "climate czar" who usually takes private planes to lecture others on the climate. Being a hypocritical douche is his love language. Though in this case, I guess he gets two points for flying commercial.

If John Kerry weren't John Kerry, the flight would have been grounded. A video would be going viral about another "mask denier." Kerry would be dragged off of the plane by his feet by security and banned from ever flying American again. Thankfully for John Kerry, he's a Democrat. Rules and "science" don't apply to them.

from Steven Crowder Says