Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Biden's Homeland Security Chief Sends Message to Migrants: Don't Come Now, Give Us Time

Biden's Homeland Security Chief Sends Message to Migrants: Don't Come Now, Give Us Time
Brodigan - March 16, 2021 at 09:17AM

Migrants view Joe Biden as the "migrant president." Ever since the president announced his amnesty plans, we have had a crisis on the border. Even though the White House doesn't call it a crisis on the border. Regardless of what the White House labels it, there is a massive influx of illegal immigrants trying to enter the country before Biden's "pathway to citizenship" is signed into law. Biden's Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, wants to assure the American people that the border is secure. He also has a message to any non-citizens looking to make the journey with their kids: Don't come. At least, not yet. The Biden administration needs more time to get things ready for you.

The clip cuts off early. If you watch the fuller clip, there is this exchange:

GEORGE: Does the message have to be "Don't come, period"?

MAYORKAS: I think, actually, we are, "Do not come NOW. Give us the time to rebuild the system that was entirely dismantled by the prior administration. And we have begun to rebuild that system.

The system in place from the previous administration saw less than 1,000 illegal crossings a day. Under Biden? Over 6,000. It's possible the previous administration didn't dismantle the system. It's possible it actually rebuilt the system from the previous administration before that and PREVENTED illegal border crossings. Going from under a thousand to SIX THOUSAND? I think it's the Biden administration guilty of dismantling things.

President Biden is hitting the road this week to promote his stimulus bill. Reporters have already started shouting questions at him about the crisis on the border. It will be interesting to see if he ignores or "doesn't hear" more of their questions this week.

from Steven Crowder Says