Friday, March 26, 2021

Southwest Pilot Goes on In-Flight Anti-San Francisco Rant: 'F*** this place! Liberal f***s!'

Southwest Pilot Goes on In-Flight Anti-San Francisco Rant: 'F*** this place! Liberal f***s!'
Brodigan - March 26, 2021 at 08:57AM

San Francisco is a giant poop hole. That is mostly metaphorical, though there is an argument to be made that it's literally a hole filled with poop. It's a place where every insane leftist policy provides a real-time case study on why liberal policies are insane. Its evil wretched queen is Nancy Pooplosi. Whoops! I mean Nancy Pelosi. So when you hear about a Southwest Airlines pilot having an unfortunate hot mic moment and going on an anti-San Francisco rant, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

What brought on the rant is unknown at this time, but here is what he reportedly said.

"F*ck this place, g*ddamn liberal f**ks."

"F*cking weirdos, probably driving around in f*cking Hyundais, f*cking roads and s**t that go slow as f*ck."

The FAA is investigating, because apparently pilots talking about anything other than the weather is frowned upon. Southwest Air can neither confirm nor deny who made the comments. I hope they do because I would like to buy the man a pizza and a few beers. Though not when he is about to fly. That would be bad.

People are going to do the whole "LOOK AT ME, I'M SO OUTRAGED" thing, but I say we cut the man some slack. If he flies to San Francisco regularly, that means he's regularly stuck in a metal tube with people who are from San Francisco. Imagine having to hear the same conversation about how awesome it is to give free heroin needles to the homeless. Seeing people who give Yelp reviews based on the amout of feces you need to step over to get in the front door of a restaurant. Think about the amount of "Nancy Pooplosi Is My Homegirl" shirts he has to see a month. That would be enough to drive anyone mental.

from Steven Crowder Says