Monday, March 29, 2021

Ted Cruz Releases More Shocking Photos, Video of Border Crisis Biden Admin Doesn't Want You to See

Ted Cruz Releases More Shocking Photos, Video of Border Crisis Biden Admin Doesn't Want You to See
Brodigan - March 29, 2021 at 07:20AM

Ted Cruz has joined a group of senators to visit the southern border. Since the media isn't doing their job the way they would if a Republican president created a border crisis the way Joe Biden did, Cruz is down there doing the job for them. And unlike congressional colleagues who cry outside parking lots and attack border agents, the junior senator from Texas is seeing what's actually going on.

There's a reason the Biden administration has Border Patrol under a gag order.

BIDEN POLITICAL OPERATIVE: Please give dignity to the people.

CRUZ: You've been instructed to ask us not to take pictures here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it.

BIDEN POLITICAL OPERATIVE: Please give dignity to the people.

CRUZ: You've been instructed to ask us not to take pictures here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it.

BIDEN POLITICAL OPERATIVE: Please give dignity to the people.

CRUZ: The rules are arbitrary and they're designed to keep the American people in the dark.

This is where leftists will chime in on Twitter "blah blah blah, what's the Republican plan then?" Republicans don't need a plan. The Republican plan was Donald Trump having illegal crossings down to 45-year lows. This crisis now is all Migrant President Joe Biden's doing. The system is overrun by Biden's amnesty plan, which a) migrants are straight-up admitting Biden's plan is why they're here, and b) is everything conservatives have warned about since 1986.

All Republicans need a plan for is to exposes just how badly the Biden administration has messed up. Then spend two years reminding the voters of that.

from Steven Crowder Says