Monday, March 15, 2021

US Moving 3,000 Migrant Teenagers to Dallas Convention Center

US Moving 3,000 Migrant Teenagers to Dallas Convention Center
Brodigan - March 15, 2021 at 01:44PM

The U.S. government is planning to hold 3,000 migrant teenagers at a Dallas convention center. It's part of the border crisis that the White House doesn't want to call a border crisis. After President Biden made his agenda clear, we're seeing more than 6,000 illegal crossings a day. Simply put, Border Patrol is running out of room at the border. The shipping containers are at capacity. So, Dallas is getting its fair share.

As per the Associated Press:

The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center will be used for up to 90 days beginning as early as this week, according to written notification sent to members of the Dallas City Council on Monday. Federal agencies will use the facility to house boys ages 15 to 17, according to the memo, which describes the soon-to-open site as a "decompression center."

Capacity at the convention center is just under 12,000. 3,000 would put the occupancy at 25%, not counting staff, agents, etc. That would be in line with most COVID restrictions. Even though the CDC is said to be revising its guidelines when it comes to these "decompression centers."

As of this writing, there has been no response from Dallas residents on how they feel about the current plans. Nor have there been any statements from Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, or Gov. Greg Abbott, all of whom have spoken out about Joe Biden's immigration agenda. It will be interesting to hear how local officials respond. Also, to see what happens when they run out of room at the convention center.

from Steven Crowder Says