Friday, March 26, 2021

Reporter Nails Psaki: Did Joe Biden Think Filibuster Was 'Jim Crow Era' When Supporting It in 2005?

Reporter Nails Psaki: Did Joe Biden Think Filibuster Was 'Jim Crow Era' When Supporting It in 2005?
Brodigan - March 26, 2021 at 01:39PM

My favorite part of Joe Biden's press conference was when a reporter asked him if he thought the filibuster was Jim Crowy. Biden answered with a resounding "yes." Then when the reporter logically followed up with "if you really feel that way, why not abolish it now?" it caught him off guard. There was an awkward silence, because he only knew the "imply opponents are racist" answer. He wasn't expecting a follow-up!

The truth of the matter is Democrats only seem to think things are racist when they're not the ones doing it. Fox News' Peter Doocy had a perfect example. Did Senator Joe Biden think the filibuster was racist when Senator Joe Biden supported the filibuster?

PETER DOOCY: The president said he thinks the filibuster is a legacy of the Jim Crow era. Did he think that it was a legacy of the Jim Crow era in 2005, when he defended the filibuster and said "altering Senate rules to help one political fight or another could become standard operating procedure, which in my view would be disastrous"?

JEN PSAKI: This is why no one called on your yesterday, Doocy. Or should I call you DOUCHEY? Get it? Because I think you're a douche.

I would have followed up with a more recent example. Was it a legacy of the Jim Crow era when Democrats filibustered Sen. Tim Scott's police reform bill in 2020? There is an argument to be made that Democrats calling Scott's office and shouting death threats and racial slurs at him was a legacy of the Jim Crow era. But what about the white Democrats who filibustered Sen. Scott's bill? Inquiring minds want to know!

Inquiring mind unfortunately are most likely poop out of luck. After yesterday's debacle, I doubt they'll let Biden talk to the press again any time soon.

from Steven Crowder Says