Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Media Blackout: Biden Admin Orders Border Patrol to Deny All Press Requests

Media Blackout: Biden Admin Orders Border Patrol to Deny All Press Requests
Brodigan - March 17, 2021 at 01:47PM

When you read a headline like that, your first instinct might be to ask, "What if Trump did it?" That's an excellent question that we'll circle back to, all Jen Psaki-like.

Joe Biden has a southern border sh*tshow on his hands of muy grande proportions. They can deny it all they want. The Homeland Security Secretary can tell people to stay home (for now). But the show of the sh*t can't be denied. It's so bad that the usual subservient press is starting to actually ask real, challenging questions. They want to report on what's going down along the southern border. So the Biden administration, at least according to NBC News, is ordering Border Patrol not to let them. Officials, naturally speaking under the condition of anonymity, are calling it a "gag order."

Border Patrol officials have been told to deny all media requests for "ride-alongs" with agents along the southern land border; local press officers are instructed to send all information queries, even from local media, to the press office in Washington for approval; and those responsible for cultivating data about the number of migrants in custody have been reminded not to share the information with anyone to prevent leaks, the officials said.

Multiple news organizations, including NBC News, have requested access to or photos from inside overcrowded border processing facilities holding unaccompanied migrant children; they have been denied.

This is where you might be inclined to say to yourself, "Golly, I wonder what the reaction would be like if Trump did it?" Funny thing. Trump had the opportunity to. But, again according to NBC News, he didn't.

Multiple news organizations, including NBC News, have requested access to or photos from inside overcrowded border processing facilities holding unaccompanied migrant children; they have been denied.

Yes, according to this article from NBC News, Donald Trump was more open to the press than Joe Biden. Joe Biden is worse on the press than Donald Trump. All of that shame money reporters (metaphorically) picked up from Biden's nightstand as they did their walk of shame was for nothing. Joe Biden is going to tell you it's not a crisis and get in your way while doing your journalistic duties, and you are going to like it. Maybe you can challenge him at next week's press conference. Good luck after he rambles an answer and you're prevented a follow-up. One of your colleagues wants to know what "enchants him about the White House."

Plus, no media blackout can hide the fact that there's a crisis on the border. One of Joe Biden's own creation.

from Steven Crowder Says