Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mexico Worried Joe Biden's 'Stoking Illegal Immigration,' Calls Him the 'Migrant President': Report

Mexico Worried Joe Biden's 'Stoking Illegal Immigration,' Calls Him the 'Migrant President': Report
Brodigan - March 11, 2021 at 12:47PM

At this point, I think we can say Joe Biden has a crisis on the border. Jen Psaki may not want to label it as a crisis. When the Mexican government is worried about Biden "stoking" illegal immigration, the can's open and the worms are scattering. Detentions at the border have surged since Biden was inaugurated, and Mexico is concerned. The concern comes with a request for more development aid, naturally. But things are still no bueno.

This is from Reuters:

"[Migrants] see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they're going to reach the United States," Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said of Biden.

Apprehensions on the U.S.-Mexico border in February were the highest for that month in 15 years, data reported by Reuters showed.

One of the Biden policies that has Mexico concerned is suspending the Trump policy that deported people to Central America. Sounds like the Mexican government enjoyed it more when deportees skipped their country on the way back.

This next part is my favorite.

Previously unreported details in the internal assessments, based on testimonies and intelligence gathering, state that gangs are diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye U.S. measures that will "incentivize migration."

Basically, the very warning that immigration-hawks said was going to happen with blanket amnesty.

The scary thing is blanket amnesty hasn't even been passed yet. Biden's plans were first leaked on January 19. He was inaugurated on January 20. Over the course of the past fifty days, we've seen a surge of immigrants at the border wearing Joe Biden T-shirts. The White House has its own "kids in cages" crisis. Reporters are reduced to yelling "IS THERE A CRISIS AT THE BORDER" at Biden in hopes that he'll accidentally answer.

Also, I can't stress this enough, nothing has been debated yet, let alone voted on. This is all based on what people THINK Biden is going to do. It's every warning conservatives have had about amnesty since the '80s. Outstanding work, Mr. President! Can't wait to see what's next.

from Steven Crowder Says